Our hope is in the Lord
Grateful Quotes
Meet the Team
WMP Partners Around the World

Our hope is in the Lord

 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord.” —Jeremiah 17:7

Reports from the world’s “hot spots” reveal nations in turmoil through civil strife, natural disasters, government failure, and disease. In some places, thousands are fleeing to any place that appears to hold safety and hope. But the hope of all peoples and nations is only in the Lord. His Word is a foundation that will not be removed.

Cuba: This report came as an urgent prayer request: “It seems chaotic, as there is not sufficient food, medicine, etc. All across the island there is unrest, people are demonstrating.” But even as they were living the worst wave of coronavirus, “in the midst of the lack of resources, we experience God’s miracles every day.” God’s people could testify, “In situations like this one, our only resource is God. We know He is a heavenly Father who loves us, and no one and nothing can take us out of His powerful hands. We have peace, trusting in God’s protection.”

Afghanistan: The world watched in dismay at the upheaval which caused thousands to flee, seeking safety and hope. WMP is reprinting 75,000 copies of the Gospel of John in Dari, a language of Afghanistan. These, along with Help from Above in Dari, will be used in the USA, Europe, and parts of Asia—wherever this migration settles.

Haiti: In recent months, WMP has shipped more than three million Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and Kreyol New Testaments to Haiti. Another shipment awaits delivery as calls for Scriptures continue—as Haiti is in crisis with the assassination of their president in July and another major earthquake in August.

A WMP distributor tells of a witch doctor in a village where past attempts to establish a fellowship of Christians had failed. As they moved into the area to start a church, the witch doctor’s wife started attending. She soon responded to the salvation message, followed by his daughter, then the son-in-law. Each time, the witch doctor would get angry. When the team saw wells not working, they chose to repair the well beside the witchdoctor’s house! The witchdoctor thanked God and publicly acknowledged God’s goodness! The team is praying that God will save him soon and also remove voodoo from the village. “When God comes into an area, evil has to flee.”

Venezuela: Hardship throughout the country has caused more than 5.6 million Venezuelans to leave since 2014, reported the BBC. Most crossed into neighboring Colombia, where WMP distributors eagerly share God’s Word while the work of the gospel continues in Venezuela. WMP’s national coordinator will soon receive a new container shipment of Scriptural material, providing for a broad distribution as soon as it arrives. Another shipment planned for a major distributor will add to the overall coverage—God’s love demonstrated through His Word and His people.

Mexico: Almost 13 million Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and coloring books in Spanish have been sent into Mexico in the past 12 months, with another 5.5 million being prepared to ship. As rival forces strive for control and power there, God’s Word reveals that only God has the power to change a life, a community, and a nation.

Sister R.A. wrote, “As I have learned about God through the booklet, How to Know God, I also wish for others to know about Him. I have visited my neighbors and acquaintances, and they have listened to the Word of God. I have been able to share the message of salvation with each of them. With great joy they have received the message, and some of them have accepted the Lord Jesus into their hearts. They have seen how God has manifested Himself in their lives, as well as the change they have felt in their own homes since they have let Jesus Christ take control of everything.”

Myanmar: More than 1,200 people have died at the hands of Burmese soldiers since the military coup on February 1. The third wave of Covid brought nearly 20,000 deaths in July and August. Martin L. reported that though the crisis slowed ministry plans, “God’s gracious love is amazing and through WMP Scriptures, we are showing His love and care.” The newly published Burmese booklets, Who Do You Say that I Am? and God Loves You!, were distributed along with relief aid. “I believe WMP booklets will help, encourage, and comfort at this time of grief and disappointment.” It means a lot to those “in remote areas, ministering to people who’ve never heard of Jesus.”

Scripture booklets are also being prepared for the Middle East, Russia, South Asia, Indonesia, South Africa, and Sudan. No matter the circumstance, our hope is in the Lord!

[You can help provide God’s Word for the world’s “hot spots.” Every donated dollar helps produce 29 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,900 people; $1,000 will impact 29,000 people who need to know God.]



Grateful Quotes

“Helped me focus on the day”

“For the past 19 years of my life, I was in a physical prison. Of those 19 years, I think I woke up each morning and read my Scripture-text Datebook. There is something about just reading the Word and setting the day in my mind that helped me focus on the day.

“I am now home, but every morning I get out my Datebook and see what this day has for me. I don’t know what I would do without Jesus. Your Datebook has encouraged me and given me focus. Keep up the good work.”

—Kenneth, North Carolina

“My son was in prison”

“When my son was in prison, he used to read the Datebook. He went to be with the Lord December 9, 2019. As I was going through his belongings, he still had the 2015 Datebook in his belongings. It is now in my Bible, and I include it in my daily devotions.

“I realize this donation isn’t much, but may it help to place this daily devotion in the hands of a few men or women. God bless your ministry and may God’s Word continue to touch the lives of others.”

—Sue, Pennsylvania

[Scripture-text Datebooks are produced each year especially for use in prisons in the United States at a cost of 10¢ each. Please consider providing the daily encouragement of God’s Word to those in prison throughout 2022.]




Meet the Team


Nate F.

Graphic Design Specialist

I first heard about World Missionary Press when I saw a job posting online. I’d been looking for a new job for a while, and it seemed like it would be a good fit. I decided to look around their website and social media to see what they were all about. As I continued to research and pray, I just had this feeling of peace when I thought about what life might look like at WMP.

I’ve been here for only a couple of months, but I’m excited to see where God leads! In my position as a Graphic Design Specialist, I manage our social media channels and work on various graphic design projects. My favorite part about working at WMP is the missions focus. Not only is it awesome to be part of a team that all have the same goals, but it’s really cool to see how God is using us to touch the lives of others.

When I’m not working, sometimes I’m still working. I do freelance graphic design on the side. Other than that, I enjoy a good movie and I try to squeeze some hobbies in when I have free time. I enjoy playing the acoustic guitar and playing games with friends. When it’s warm, I also enjoy longboarding and playing spikeball. I’m also great at eating good food.

I have an older brother and an older sister who both live in Warsaw, Indiana. My sister is married, and they actually live less than a minute away from my apartment, which I rent with my brother. When we told our family we were going to move in together, they were all worried it would be a mistake. We shared a room for 18 years, guys; I think we can handle an apartment! My parents live in McKinney, Texas, about 30 minutes from downtown Dallas. I do miss the warm weather. I lived there throughout high school and moved to Warsaw for college.


WMP Partners Around the World

Dicho K.


For almost 30 years, a faithful WMP distributor has been sharing words of hope and salvation through WMP Scripture booklets in villages across Bulgaria. It is truly exciting to see what God can and will do through those willing to go where He sends. Approximately 40 churches have been established as a result of this simple and consistent sharing of the gospel.

WMP: Dicho, please describe your background and current ministry.

Dicho: When I came to Christ in 1991, I wanted to tell people about the peace and joy that we can have in Christ. First, I created a booklet to give to people in my work and city. Soon I traveled in my free time to villages close by, sharing the gospel. One special day I heard a voice deep in my heart, which I believe came from the Holy Spirit, saying that not only my city and the region around it should be reached, but there was a whole country which should be reached with the gospel.

Today I have two teams sharing the gospel by giving booklets and New Testaments, showing the Jesus film, and sharing other Christian literature. Every two weeks we travel to different parts of our country. From 1992 to 2008 we shared the gospel in every city and village in Bulgaria, no matter if there was a Muslim or atheist population. All of the people heard the good news. Some received booklets like Help from Above, The Way to God, and How to Know God. There is now a new generation that should be reached too, so we continue the travels and now we are on the way to visit every single place in our country for a second time.


WMP: When did you first learn about WMP?

Dicho: In 1992 I found Help from Above with contact information on it. Next year it will be thirty years that I have been distributing WMP booklets, and all I can say for these years of partnership is that I see in the team of WMP a people who really love God and want to reach people for Christ.

WMP: How does the availability of free literature affect evangelism in your country?

Dicho: A Scripture booklet makes a very special way to reach people who are not so open to listen to the gospel or talk with someone. But when they receive a booklet, they can read it on their own and have a special meeting with Jesus in such moments. When we visit Muslim people, they may not welcome us or listen, but many are open to receive a booklet and to read it when no one else can see them. The booklets have the exact topics which can bring someone to Christ.

The Scripture booklets also help the Christian community to grow in Christ. Many Christians who want to share the gospel think that they cannot speak well or debate, but when they see the booklets, many decide they can become booklet distributors. Many brothers and sisters from different places contact me to send them WMP booklets to share.

WMP: Is there one incident that stands out to you?

Dicho: Over the years I’ve received many calls and letters from people who just came to Christ and have a thirsty need for additional literature, a Bible, or instruction where they can find a church. Two testimonies really touched my heart.

Our team went to a mountain village to share booklets, but also asked the seller at the local food shop if they could leave a few booklets for people who wanted to take a booklet home. He agreed. Years later, another brother went to that village to share the gospel and found that the same shop with the same person was keeping the booklets as a library! He gave a booklet to those who asked, but they would bring it back so other people could take it. He said each booklet looked like an old book which had been read by many people.

The second testimony was a family with sick children. They didn’t believe in Christ but decided to pray the prayer at the back of The Way to God. Afterwards a miracle happened. The sick children were healed and the whole family became Christ followers!

God is using the booklets as a way to reach people, and one day we will see many people in heaven who kept in their hands the booklets of World Missionary Press.