For widespread distribution:
(Pocket-size 48-page Scripture-by-subject booklets)

Help From Above (HFA): Designed to lead the reader to Christ and to live a victorious life. Good for evangelism and follow-up of new believers. (Languages)
How to Know God (HKG): Tells how to have a personal relationship with God. Designed for Muslims, but excellent as a general evangelistic tool. (Languages)
Let’s Praise the Lord! (PTL): Especially for Christians. Compiled as a practical tool for praising God faithfully and joyfully. (Languages)
Satan versus CHRIST (SVC): Warns against demon worship, witchcraft, idolatry; reveals Satan’s character and tactics. Offers believers victory over the enemy through the power of Christ. Good especially for areas where occult practices are followed. (Languages)
The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ (ALC): Shows who Christ really is, why He came to earth, His miracles and teaching, His death and resurrection, and what He is doing now. Encourages a personal response.(Languages)

The Path to Life (LIF): This 8-page Scripture handout includes a simple guide to salvation. It can be used as an initial outreach tool and followed up with booklets as more interest is shown. (Languages)
The Power of God (POG): Shows God’s creative, saving, sustaining, and overcoming power. For believers and non-believers. (Languages)
The Way to God (WTG): Especially for children. Its purpose is to share God’s love and plan of salvation and how to live for Jesus. Features illustrations and a larger type size. (Languages)
Who Am I That a King Would Die in My Place? (WAI): Shows who we were made to be, what we became, where that leads us, our need for God’s rescue, and what we can become by accepting God’s grace. (Languages)

Who Do You Say that I AM? (WDY): Contains some of the powerful things Jesus said about who He is, why He came to earth, and how we can receive eternal life, along with Old Testament passages confirming who He is. (48 pages)
Wings Over Zion (WOZ): Especially for Jewish friends, but is good for all who are interested in Biblical prophecy relating to Israel. (64 pages) (Languages)
For individual and group study only:
(Bible Studies – Not for widespread distribution)
Alive in Christ (ACH): Designed to disciple new believers, to understand who God created them to be– empowered by His Spirit to know and walk with Him in the light of eternity. (96 pages)
A Bible Study on Matthew (MAT): Teaches simple but important truths for Christian living. (64 pages) (Languages)
Meditations in the Psalms (PSA): A devotional booklet using selected Psalms. (64 pages) (Languages)
A Basic Study of New Testament Scriptures : For use with any Bible or Testament; lists many important topics along with Scripture references dealing with them. (48 pages) (Languages)
A Bible Study on Genesis (GEN): Emphasizes God’s plan of salvation from creation; reveals the presence of Christ in Genesis. Includes much practical application. (112 pages) (Languages)
A Bible Study on John (BSJ): For assurance of salvation and personal growth in the Lord. Can also be used by new Christians in sharing their faith. (80 pages) (Languages)
A Bible Study on Revelation (REV): Exalts Christ, exposes Satan, inspires faith, comforts in persecution, and warns of false teaching and the wrath of God. (112 pages) (Languages)
A Bible Study on Romans (ROM): Paul’s masterful letter reveals God’s heart for mankind and the good news of freedom and transformation for all who put their trust in Jesus. (112 pages) (Languages)
God Loves You! Coloring Book (GLY): This salvation coloring book is ideal for children and adults. The beautifully illustrated coloring pages bring associated verses to life–from creation to the second coming of Jesus. (48 pages) (Languages)
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Abbreviations: ALC-The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ; BSJ-A Bible Study on John; BSS-New Testament Study Supplement; GEN-A Bible Study on Genesis; GLY- God Loves You! Coloring Book; GOJ-Gospel of John; GOL-Gospel of Luke HFA-Help From Above; HKG-How to Know God; LIF- The Path to Life; MAT-A Bible Study on Matthew; |
POG-The Power of God; PSA-Meditations in the Psalms; PTL-Let’s Praise the Lord; REV-A Bible Study on Revelation; ROM-A Bible Study on Romans SvC-Satan versus CHRIST; WAI-Who Am I That a King Would Die in my Place?; WDY-Who Do You say that I AM?; WOZ-Wings Over Zion; WTG-The Way to God. |
* Note: A 10-lb. box contains about 505 small-size booklets. Booklets marked with * are twice the regular size and there are 250 or less per box.