(U.S. Addresses Only)

Here are TEN ways to involve your church in this exciting worldwide ministry:

1. Volunteer WMP is in the process of moving forward in printing 10,000,000 Scripture booklets per month as the Lord provides. We are in need of volunteers to help on the bindery. Volunteer groups consists of 3 to 4 people from 13 years old on up. Each group needs a minimum of one 16 year old and one 18 year old and up in the group. Shifts run from 8am to 12, 12:30pm to 4pm and 7 pm to 9 pm Monday thru Friday. Saturdays from 8 am to 12 and 12:30 to 4:30pm. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at 574-831-2111 ext 215 or volunteer@wmpress.org for more information or to schedule your group.  Want to read more…Click Here!


2. World Missionary Press Ambassador Network

Are you looking for information about World Missionary Press that you would like to share
with your church family?  The WMP Ambassador Team is a network of local church coordinators serving as representatives between their home church teams and World Missionary Press:

A. Establishing Deeper Relationships.
B. Equipping the Local Church.
C. Evangelizing the World.
D. Exalting Jesus!

For more information go to: http://www.wmpambassadors.org/


3. Bulletin Inserts

Are you looking for information about World Missionary Press that you would like to share
with your church family?  Contact us by calling: 574-831-2111 ext. 213  You may also download this Fascinating Facts sheet to print and share.  Fascinating Facts 2021-22 (pdf)


4. Portable DisplayWMP Display 4-28-05 010-b

Request Portable Display for missions conferences.

The display comes with a supply of free Scripture booklets.
These displays are available for a short term basis (one to two weeks)  and are loaned and to be returned following your conference.  Please call us if you have any questions or would like us to ship you one of these displays.



5. WMP YouTube Videos

     World Missionary Press has many exciting videos of the work that God is doing around the world through HIS Word.  These videos are available to download from YouTube, for your church gathering, family, and friends.  Click Here.



busdisplaypicforwebsite6. Portable Cardboard Display

Request a portable cardboard display for your church or business.
We’ve received many reports of people placing these displays in their business and the Lord opening up opportunities for them to witness and share the Gospel with people in their own community.  You can be a witness right where you work and live!

The display comes with enough scripture booklets to fill the display twice.   Please get permission before placing these in a public location.  These are yours to keep!

Click for more information.


SS-clr-lowres7. Kid’s Korner

Activities for children.  Help get your children involved in missions!  We have pages of activities that you can print for your children to work on, while teaching them about missions.  Great for Sunday School teachers, VBS projects, and parents.

Sammy the Scripture Booklet will help you on your journey into missions!

Click here


8. BIBLE READ-A-THONbible read a thon 1

Parents, Pastors, Sunday School Teachers, and childrens workers….you can get your children reading the Word of God and helping to provide the Word for children all over the World, at the same time!


Bible Read-A-Thon (pdf)




missions marathon front9. Missions Marathon

Volunteer your group at WMP!  Whether it’s your youth, church, or family and friends group you can be a part of reaching 30,000 people per hour, plus supplying the resources to help us print more booklets!  There is limited availability for missions marathons.

Help stimulate spiritual growth in your group, have fun while fulfilling the Great Commission, Reach up to 500,000 people with the Gospel….

Click for more information.


10. Missions Ideas for Children

front panel-MissIdeasChildren-top-webFor your children’s ministries, Sunday School, children’s church, or VBS –  
You will find here a variety of suggestions for your consideration as a focus for your children’s ministry missions offering.

These project ideas relate to reaching boys and girls in other countries with the powerful Word of God.

What better investment can there be! What better way to encourage children to begin focusing on worldwide outreach and the influence they personally can have in fulfilling the Great Commission!  

To go to our Missions Ideas for Children page…CLICK HERE.


To request a copy, e-mail mailroom@wmpress.org or call 574-831-2111 ext. 213.  You may also download the following online version…Mission Ideas for Children