Steve Bakos (Main Speaker)
Steve Bakos and the Messiah Project have been using WMP literature to reach the people of Nicaragua since 2004. They were instrumental in translating WMP Scripture booklets and the Bible Study on John into the Miskito language to offer God’s Word of love and salvation to those who had never had such hope. The transformation along the Rio Coco in northern Nicaragua and southern Honduras through the introduction of God’s Word can surely be called miraculous.
From early outreach opportunities in Oklahoma, God led Steve to ministry in Mexico in 1990, where he first began using WMP literature. In late 2002, the Lord opened the door for Steve to take His Word to the people of Nicaragua.
The Lord has continued to open doors to share the gospel, both locally and in some of the most remote regions of Nicaragua. From taking the written Word of God to the Miskito Indians of the Rio Coco for the first time to traveling the mountainous villages throughout northern Nicaragua and the rivers of the Sumu Indians, sharing the gospel remains the focus and heartbeat of Steve and those serving the Lord through Messiah Project.
“In 1998 I went on my first mission trip to Mexico. Years later I formed Thru His Mercy, Inc., teaching women how to allow God to change them through the Scriptures. This is presented through a two-year series of tea parties–first evangelistic and then focusing on spiritual development, attitudes, focus, and their future with God. Other events include street ministry, prayer, encouragement, preaching, literature distribution, and women’s conferences.
I was introduced to WMP in 2009. I saw a small section of Spanish literature and became lost in the power of this literature for Mexico. In 2012 I received my first semi-truck load of literature which included WMP Scripture booklets. The pastors were so grateful to receive the literature, but they had not had literature for so long that they wanted to use it sparingly. I reminded them that God is our God of provision. The word (Word) is now out! New pastors are coming from all points and areas of Mexico to receive the literature. Thanks, WMP, for this great blessing.”
Patrick West (Music)
Patrick West has served as full-time Worship Director of Harvest Community Church for the past 5 years. He is responsible for the worship and tech team, leading God’s people in meaningful worship that glorifies our Lord and Savior. He and his wife, Anaia, are originally from Idaho, where they enjoyed skiing, hiking, and camping as hobbies. Now, living in Goshen, their favorite pastimes are going on walks with their two dogs and eating ice cream from their favorite ice cream shop.
Call (574) 831-2111 ext. 223 for Reservations or email:
Please RSVP by October 20th.

Open House
World Missionary Press, Inc.
Saturday, October 28, 2023
1:00–3:00 pm
Tours • See equipment running • Refreshments served
World Missionary Press is on County Road 146. To find us, go 3 miles north of US 6 (or 6 miles south of Goshen) on State Road 15. Turn east over railroad at WMP sign.
RSVP by October 20th: To reserve your spot at this event please email: Please include your name and the names of those who will be attending with you, address, phone number and email address. Or call: 1-574-831-2111 ext. 223 to reserve your spot!