No More Ugly Ties!
At least in the United States most people have more than they know what to do with. At this time of year you want to give your family members something to let them know that you love them, but they have everything they can possibly ever need. So instead of buying another “UGLY TIE”, knick knack or gag gift, how about giving them a gift that will count for eternity! One box of 500 Scripture booklets cost $25 to produce and ship anywhere in the world. For $25 you can touch at least 500 people with God’s life-changing Word! In 12 months you can reach 6,000 people! Will you consider kicking the ugly ties to the curb and helping us reach the world with the Good News?
Give in Honor of someone: Would you like to make a donation in honor of a special loved one? If so, after your donation is made, In Honor – Click Here to download a card that you can print and send them showing where their gift went.