Until All Have Heard

“…behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues,… saying, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!’”
—Revelation 7:9-10




One by one they came. All cross the Sahel and beyond, faithful church planters from 25 African nations met to have their vision enlarged (“a church in every village”), their spirits refreshed, and their hearts and minds strengthened for the tasks. They spoke different languages, but lustily sang praises and offered prayer to the Lord as one. What a joyful time it was!

For some, animism and Islam stand firm against the gospel and the fields produce small harvests. Faithfulness to the call of Christ shines bright as noonday. For others, the fields yield a greater harvest, but subtly, the enemy works to spoil the tender ones who come to the Savior. Solid Biblical teaching and pastoral care must keep constant vigil. By God’s grace they are now active among 252 unreached people groups across 25 nations. Thousands of churches have been planted and are developing into multi-generational churches, birthing new churches that will in turn birth others.

Sharing together, they became one in purpose. Emboldened, encouraged, and well-armed, they traveled home with an exciting answer to prayer: the promise of free Scripture booklets in the languages they need to support church-planting teams. World Missionary Press was now a full-fledged partner in reaching farther and farther into each nation with the all-powerful Word of God.

WMP was there to present the literature and work with each individual to make material available. Several attendees had used WMP Scripture booklets and knew of the effectiveness and value they offer in evangelism and discipleship.

Some attendees had already submitted requests for shipments of WMP material and were eager to hear the status of their orders. A director from the Democratic Republic of the Congo had already received his first container and shared with his colleagues how the booklets had allowed his church-planting teams to reach into the more remote regions where there were no churches or gospel presentations, leaving the message as they went from village to village. Small groups of believers began to crop up as men and women readily accepted the news that God created them and loved them.

The leader from Senegal had used WMP literature in the past and welcomed this new partnership to help his teams as they travel into remote areas. He was particularly thankful for the material in the languages of the people. Working in the predominately Muslim Sahel and among unreached people, the availability of the written Word to leave as a continuing witness is invaluable. As he said, “Words leave—Scripture stays.”

A call came for someone to reach out to a particular people group tied to their traditional beliefs. A man of peace in a certain village had prayed for someone to come and help him bring the light of Jesus to his village. In God’s mercy and grace, He heard this plea, directing the message as only He could. From 10,000 miles away the need was acknowledged and a visit to the village was arranged. Hope was born, and a team prepared to help this man of peace introduce his people to the Prince of Peace.

In village after village souls are being rescued from bondage and hopeless darkness. Light is dawning as the Word of God is offered, received, and believed. Each representative thanked WMP for the seed to sow and the grace of receiving what they need free of charge. How we praise God for His all-powerful, unchanging Word and the opportunity to support those who “GO” wherever the Lord leads.


While in Ghana the WMP team was blessed to meet with our long time national coordinator and partner, Challenge Enterprises of Ghana. Since 1979, CEG has been receiving Scripture booklets to share with pastors, churches, and ministries. The meeting with the CEG staff was a wonderful time of face-to-face fellowship. It is their desire to reach into every corner of the country with the word of salvation through Jesus Christ. One young pastor spoke of his ministry in the prisons of Ghana and how the Scripture booklets were so very important as they are left to continue speaking to hearts long after the evangelist departs. Pastor Maxwell shared how several titles of WMP booklets met specific needs of individual hearts and lives. What a blessing to learn of their diligence and faithfulness in wisely and prayerfully using each booklet!

[You can be a part of reaching the unreached of Africa. Every donation counts—Just one dollar helps us print 28 Scripture booklets! We have shipments ready to send to Ghana, Chad, Senegal, and Kenya with many other orders in process.]

Grateful Quotes

“The Scripture booklet shone…”

Pastor Paul N. reports of their encounter with a demon-possessed woman in a small village in the northern part of the Volta region in Ghana.

“This demon-possessed woman who was also epileptic was given a copy of The Way to God Scripture booklet but she rejected it because she did not want to have anything to do with Christ. Her teenage daughter, however, took it and placed in on the table in their room.

The next morning the woman sent her daughter to call the team so they would share the gospel with her. She claimed that night the gospel booklet shone as if it was on fire so she could not sleep. The team led her, the daughter, and two others in the house to Christ. The demons, during prayer, left her and she was healed of the epilepsy as well that morning.”

—CEG, Ghana



Meet the Team

Allen B.



I heard about WMP through my church in Middlebury growing up. My family volunteered there over the years. I used WMP Scripture booklets years ago at our Spanish church launch in Wisconsin, so after my wife passed and our 2 sons moved out of state, I decided to move to Indiana after 50 years. WMP is one of the ministries where I volunteer.

My favorite part of volunteering at WMP is serving where my family volunteered. I love knowing God’s written Word is available all over the world through the efforts of so many staff and volunteers. And I like the people, break time, and chapel. My hobbies mainly involve serving my family, church, and community. I took many mission trips during work vacations, for example.

I’m second-oldest in a farming family of 8 from Goshen, where school sports and church involvement prepared me to serve 2 years with Mennonite Central Committee in Central America. On my return, I was involved with Iglesia Menonita Del Buen Pastor in Goshen, where I met my wife, Claudette. We were blessed with 2 sons during our 48-year marriage, before the Lord called my sweetheart home.

Our son Mark and his wife Sandy live in Florida and have twin daughters. Our son Chris and his wife Hannah live in Utah and have 3 girls and 1 son. Most of our married life, we raised our family in Wisconsin, active in our Assemblies of God church. We led mission teams and, after retiring, served in short-term missions to South America, Mexico, Jamaica, and Spain over 15 years. In 2020 we returned from Mexico due to COVID. This year I served with Seaglass Min. in Jamaica using WMP Scripture booklets.


WMP Partners Around the World

George O.


Evangelism Beyond Denominations works in Ghana to share the gospel with those who are often overlooked. In this work volunteers gather to find those bound by drugs, abuse, or any other device of the enemy to keep them from the life God has for them as His children. The Word of God, as available through World Missionary Press Scripture booklets and spoken to the heart by the Holy Spirit, can meet every pain and heal every soul. 


WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry.

George: I was born into a Christian home but entered into drinking and womanizing. Then God saved me through the Scripture booklet Help From Above. I joined the church outreach team and out of that met Every Home for Christ ministry who introduced to me the house to house evangelism in a very simple way with the World Missionary Press literature.

Traveling around my country I started a ministry, Evangelism Beyond Denominations, to work with all the churches to win souls. With my personal ministry, George Opare Ameyaw Ministry, I work to set crusades and street evangelism. Pneumatic Kratos Ministry is to help plant more churches in remote areas.

WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing World Missionary Press literature?

George: I got to know about WMP literature in 2005. By using the Scripture booklets to affect those who are in the idol worshipping districts and Muslim areas, many souls gave their lives to Christ and now many districts use them as study materials.


WMP: How does the availability of free literature affect your evangelism efforts?

George: The free literature has made the work of reaching out easy, not only to train people but to let them see how to help the lost through the literature. Many juvenile churches now are growing and the little amount of booklets they get is being used to expand their churches because of the literature being free.


WMP: How long does a shipment from World Missionary Press last?

George: With the 20 foot container, our ministry being in all the regions in Ghana, we manage for it to last 5 months, meaning we advise to spread it through those months.


WMP: What challenges do you face?

George: Paying off-loaders and distribution to all the districts; the costs involved.


WMP: How would you describe the effectiveness of the Scripture booklets in your country?

George: A northern area of Ghana is called Bawku West District. It has idol worship and a few Muslims.  Through the literature the chief now has given a vast land to build a church there to help all the villages know Christ. Traditional priests dumped their idols to be burnt.


WMP: How do the Scripture booklets and Bible studies help establish believers?

George:  Many Christians and even a pastor testified that he was using the topical layout of the Scripture to preach. Many Christians testify that it has boosted their studies in some topics in the Bible.