July 2016 Newsletter


YEAR AFTER YEAR a Brazilian believer takes 100 ten-pound boxes of WMP Scripture booklets into North East Brazil, reaching into many cities and villages where poverty and witchcraft have a strong hold on the hearts of the people.  He reported that in one city a leader of a witchcraft center came to Christ through one of those Scripture booklets—but he was not the only one!  Others also received the Word into their hearts, and now the witchcraft center is a church where the Word of God is preached and His name is praised!  “It is one more victory for Jesus over the darkness!” he wrote. This is the second village in this area which has seen witchcraft give way to the Light of the World!


The Person in the Mirrorp1a

On a train in the city of Rio de Janeiro, a pleasant Brazilian woman sits with a bag of gifts specially and lovingly made to introduce women and young ladies to Jesus. As she notices someone, she offers a gift—an attractive plastic bag that contains a mirror and a WMP Scripture booklet, The Way to God. As she hands out the gifts, she tells them that the person in the mirror is the person Jesus died for. After a one-hour ride, her bag of gifts is empty. But that night she will go home and prepare another bag full of little packages, ready to ride the train the next day and share Jesus and His Word.

From the bustling streets of Rio, to the distant towns and villages of North East Brazil, to Amazonia, Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press are telling the people of Brazil of God’s love for them. At a time when many in Brazil have growing personal concerns and lack confidence in anyone to help, the Word of God is being received with joy. As the Body of Christ enthusiastically ministers love and hope to those who feel unloved and hopeless, the Church in many areas is experiencing revival.

p2aThough Francisco R. lives and works among the 42 million people in the State of São Paulo, he also has a special burden for the poorer states in Brazil’s North East, where he is from. Early in life, as he watched thousands flock to worship statues and relics, a clear message from the Lord was impressed on his spirit, “SEND MY WORD TO THE PEOPLE.”

Brother Francisco has been faithful to that command.  Shipments to him from WMP have grown from just two boxes to a new pending order of a 40-foot container filled with Portuguese literature (4,215 boxes) as well as a 20-foot container (2,020 boxes) of Spanish booklets for the surrounding nations, particularly Uruguay where God has opened a wonderful new opportunity for pastors throughout that nation to receive WMP literature from a centralized distribution point.  Later this year he plans to take Italian Scripture booklets to the people of Naples in Italy. God is using his vision and p2b-shipstatuspassion to gather and encourage hundreds of distributors around the world.

Portuguese is spoken in twelve countries and is the primary language of 208.5 million people. World Missionary Press also provides Portuguese Scripture booklets for national coordinators in Mozambique and Angola. A new contact in Cape Verde is also asking for Portuguese booklets. To supply as many distributors as possible in the coming months worldwide, our production team will be working to produce 9-10 million Portuguese booklets for shipment this year.

When WMP contacted the Every Home for Christ director in Mozambique regarding a new shipment, Godfrey expressed his gladness, “as it comes at a time we are tirelessly working on expanding our ministry horizons.”

News that a new shipment was planned for WMP’s co-coordinators for Mozambique, Pastor Rego and Tanneken F., prompted heartfelt thanks from Tanneken that coloring books as well as Scripture booklets would be included: “When prisoners in the Dondo prison were given a Bible study via the Scripture coloring book God Loves You, itp2-PleasePray was a favorite. I want to see what can be done this year. The majority have never seen Bible stories illustrated. It is a joy and blessing to serve the Lord together.”

With the availability of Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press, Pastor Rego’s Mountain of Praise Church birthed a movement reaching throughout Mozambique and into the neighboring countries of Malawi and Zimbabwe. Orphans who were lovingly taken into homes and raised with the Word of God are now eagerly sharing that Word with others, as teams of young people serve the Lord with joy, having received love from the One who loves them most.

The response from EHC Angola was similar as Teodoro emailed: “We’re thankful to the Lord for news from World Missionary Press on preparing literature for us in Angola. In fact we hope as soon as possible to hear that the container to Angola is ready and was sent to us!”

 As you consider your involvement in producing Scripture booklets in Portuguese, ponder this testimony:  A missionary in Brazil preached to a group of people from a WMP Scripture booklet. In response to his message, 67 people received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Think of it! Sixty-seven precious souls, one faithful witness, one small Scripture booklet—and the Spirit of God!p3a

   [You can extend your reach into Portuguese-speaking nations. Every donated dollar puts 24 powerful Scripture booklets into the hands of Christians eager to share God’s Word. An investment of $25 will provide a Scripture booklet for 600 people; $100 will touch the lives of 2,400 people; $1,000 will impact 24,000 people.]


Meet the Team

Pastor Paul


Volunteers from Hope Community Church

We first heard of World Missionary Press because Jay and Vicky Benson met a missionary who is a member of our church and faithfully prayed for her. The missionary was so grateful for their prayer support that she suggested we contact World Missionary Press to see how we could support this wonderful ministry.

Our church began sending groups of volunteers in 2013. This summer we made plans to send three groups in June, with each group serving for three days. Our groups have a nice mix of adults and youth, and they always have a really wonderful time serving together.

p3b-UpcomingFreightShipmentsPerhaps the best part of volunteering at World Missionary Press is having a hand in the world-wide spread of the gospel. Our volunteers are able to help produce Scripture booklets and New Testaments in many languages, and then we pray for the people who will receive these shipments of God’s Word.

During the week-day chapel services at World Missionary Press, we sometimes hear reports from evangelists in the field about how the literature from WMP is changing lives. It is very encouraging, especially to the teen volunteers in our group.

Hope Community Church in Ypsilanti, Michigan, has many large, homeschooling families as well as many college students from the nearby universities. The young people in our church are trained in Bible memorization, Bible study, personal evangelism, and prayer. It is an honor for us to come and serve at World Missionary Press.p3c-GratefulQuotes

[Volunteer groups from Hope Community Church travel about three hours and stay several days. They have blessed us in ways beyond the multitude of tasks they have performed to help the work of WMP move forward by providing some memorable chapels in which they have shared music, memorized Scripture passages, prayers, and powerful testimonies. We praise God for the encouragement that these faithful volunteers bring! Volunteers are a vital part of the WMP team.]



Retirement of Fred and Betsy Eiler



WHO WILL EVER FORGET the enthusiastic presentations—and yes, the personal challenges—of Fred Eiler as he and his wife Betsy served as field representatives of World Missionary Press? For 18 years they have shared their passion for God’s Word in churches, on radio and TV programs, and wherever God led them. As a beloved ministry-couple, they have endeared themselves to us with their warmth and energy.

Many have been praying earnestly for Fred and Betsy since mid-April, when Fred went through open-heart surgery. When Betsy sent an email to the team, updating us on what they had been going through in the weeks since then, she recounted, “He actually had four blockages, but one was in a very precarious place and could not be stented. The surgery went well, and five days later Fred was sent home for a month of recovery and two more months of rehab.” During this time, Harold Mack and various other staff handled their scheduled appointments in area churches.

After discussing with Harold and Marie the realities of Fred’s situation, including his turning 74 in June, Betsy wrote,

We have decided to retire from the position of Field Representatives for World Missionary Press. We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your prayers as we have traveled over 320,000 miles for WMP in the past eighteen years. We will miss so many of you, and you will always be our friends. We have watched your children grow up and have even been invited to their weddings. We have shared many a delicious meal, have stayed in your homes, and have been part of your families. These are memories we will never forget. We do of course pray that our paths will cross again here, and if not, on the other side.

Love and blessings,

Fred and Betsy Eiler

We will certainly miss Fred and Betsy in their role as WMP field representatives! If you would like to hear some of the stories Fred told about how God has used His Word to impact lives, write for his DVDs about “Stones of Remembrance,” available free of charge, or go here to view them online.


Volunteer representatives to serve as “Ambassadors”p4b-Chadburns

Some time ago, WMP president Harold Mack put feet to his vision of developing a network of volunteer representatives by forming a WMP Ambassador Program advisory board, which included Fred and Betsy. The concept is to reach out to churches (starting with the more than 2,000 churches already connected with WMP) to identify individuals willing and able to share brief videos, newsletters, e-mails, or other information about WMP with groups within their church (such as Sunday-school classes, men’s and women’s groups, prayer groups, missions committee, etc.) and to supply them regularly with fresh information for sharing about WMP. This Board has already been helpful in discussing program goals, varying levels of possible involvement from churches, as well as how to connect with, screen, and train
prospective ambassadors, determine what resources they will need and how best to supply them, and build relationships with them.

p4c-AppAdIn answer to specific prayer, God supplied the need for an actively-involved WMP
Ambassador Coordinator. Joe Chadburn joined us in March.
Joe and his wife Tamie had recently moved into the area when one of our staff (who is married to Tamie’s brother) invited them to attend WMP’s Anniversary Dinner last October. They were deeply moved by what they heard and interested in becoming involved. As a former pastor who also has business experience in managing customer relationships, Joe seems divinely prepared for this
particular role. He is well-versed in using social media and the software tools needed in building and maintaining a network of relationships. Joe is a humble man of God and has already begun connecting with pastors and individuals interested in sharing about WMP.