Jesus Christ, the Only Sure Foundation
“For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” —1 Corinthians 3:11
Pastor Paul tells of a woman in the Volta region of Ghana who refused to accept the WMP Scripture booklet, The Way to God, claiming hatred for everything about Christ. But her teenage daughter took it. He wrote, “The woman sent for us the next morning and claimed that she could not sleep because the booklet glowed through the night like fire.” He concluded, “The woman and her daughter and others prayed to receive Christ that morning.”
A lady wrote from Texas, “My husband is in prison and has been studying and reading your literature for nearly two years! He had sent home your little Scripture-text Datebook and stated that he would like our grandsons to share in our knowledge of Christ’s salvation and love for us.” She requested two copies of The Way to God for her two grandsons. “They both were baptized this year, and I feel these will help them gain spiritual growth and strength.”
Two months after requesting their first supply of 500 Scripture booklets, a U.K. church requested 1,000 booklets! “We are using the booklets at the centre of Leicester, and somebody came to Christ this morning and was baptized this afternoon!” As God uses His Word to work in hearts, excitement to reach out farther grows, and requests for booklets grow.
Phil and Margaret share God’s Word on the streets in Britain (Cardiff, London, and Birmingham). “The faces of many Arabic and Soomali-speaking people light up when we give them the gospel message in their own language . . . . In their own languages, it seems to really touch them in a VERY special way.”
Testimonies like these spur World Missionary Press on to be part of bringing more and more endangered souls into the arms of the Savior, where they find rest and peace.
These are exciting times as new technology, social media opportunities, a growing volunteer ambassador team, and open doors for booklet distribution combine to accelerate production and propel us to a new level of participation in getting God’s Word to the world.
It is a simple formula: Give God’s Word to the world through God’s plan. God raised up World Missionary Press, and for 56 years He has led and provided. HE is a sure foundation for today and for the future.
[You can help provide a sure foundation in an unstable world. Every donated dollar provides for the production of 26 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]
The Great Opportunity for Increase
We praise God, who has positioned World Missionary Press for enlargement! In the past five years, He expanded our property and provided for newer and upgraded equipment, enabling us to stage more large shipments simultaneously while more effectively scheduling and tracking the preparation and production of hundreds of languages and titles.
Last year we began to think and pray about increasing our monthly production volume to the equivalent of 10 million Scripture booklets the size of the 48-page Help From Above.
With the increased efficiency of high-volume production, producing AND shipping each extra million above our base of 7 million per month would cost just $26,000!
In spite of the highs and lows of monthly income, the fiscal year ended with total income just $20,911 under budget and expenses $34,731 under budget. However, during a period of increased production before having to cut back, we discovered the need for a new cutter/trimmer on one of our binderies to keep up with the increased speed! We look to God to supply this need ($97,000) plus above-budget income to increase production to levels of His choosing.
We are humbled by the opportunity that—as a team of “workers together” (staff and volunteers, supported by prayer and shared resources, along with a worldwide network of like-minded workers eager to distribute Scripture booklets)—World Missionary Press has a significant role in fulfilling the promise of Habakkuk 2:14: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
As God’s Word spreads throughout the world, people come to know JESUS, who IS “the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person” (Hebrews 1:3).
The glory of the Lord is filling the earth. Our annual celebration Dinner in October highlighted the global impact of World Missionary Press. (A free DVD of this inspiring program is available.)
In Ethiopia 12,000 volunteers from many denominations reached 300,000 homes with Scripture booklets in five languages. God’s Word is penetrating restricted nations in the “Horn of Africa.” WMP will soon be printing more than 900,000 Scripture booklets for shipment to Ethiopia. Distribution network leaders and teams are already in place to share the booklets in Djibouti, Eritrea, and Somalia as well as Ethiopia.
Jad G., born in Damascus, Syria, ministers to the Arabic-speaking world. Meeting EHC’s director for Ethiopia resulted in his sending a supply of Amharic New Testaments for our next container to Ethiopia!
A former Muslim and his son shared from Canada how Hindus and Muslims are coming to Christ and believers are growing in the Lord through A Bible study on John from WMP.
Gloria Silva Lopez, director of Every Home for Christ Mexico, reported plans to complete their 10-year outreach to all of Mexico by the end of 2018! The first of three semi-trailers of Scripture booklets needed was funded in the Dinner offering! See updates at
Though darkness covers the earth’s people, “Your light has come! The glory of the LORD is risen upon you!” (Isaiah 60:1). It is time to “arise and shine!”