“Arise, shine; for your light has come! . . . Darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.” —Isaiah 60:1-2
TESTIMONIES COME TO World Missionary Press from all over the world of how God’s Word, contained in WMP Scripture booklets, is transforming lives. Souls are being saved and discipled, home groups started, and churches birthed.
Brother ————-(removed for security reasons) of ————–(removed for security reasons) shared during a chapel time: “The best tool we have is the [WMP] gospel booklet, door-delivered where we are—at no cost to us. This is of strategic importance in India—being able to provide God’s Word. More than digging wells, more than houses, more than food, more than clothes, more than anything else, the Word of God works today.” Distributors around the world echo this testimony. It is the living Word of God—whether shared along with humanitarian aid such as food and clothing, in home-to-home outreach, as part of prison or hospital ministries, or during street evangelism—that imparts LIFE and makes an eternal difference for millions!
Contemplating the record level of production this past fiscal year, WMP’s president Harold Mack reported, “I’m awed to realize that—on average—240,000 WMP Scripture booklets, Bible studies, salvation coloring books, and New Testaments are being produced, shipped, and distributed each day, 365 days a year. And to think that these portions of God’s Word—often the only “Bible” a person has—can be used over and over for weeks, months, and even years.” It is a fact that after World Missionary Press moved to New Paris, Indiana, in 1970, responses from booklets printed and shipped during our first nine years in Winona Lake were still arriving in our Winona Lake postbox 25 years later!
We praise God for His blessing; we rejoice as His face continues to shine upon us (Numbers 6:24-25). This past fiscal year, contributions of 4.9 million dollars from God’s people (see financial report below) enabled us to produce a total of 87,679,441 items (both in-plant and contract printing). A record-high 51 container-size shipments were sent—10 more than our previous high two years ago (see chart on right). Distribution networks in countries around the world are growing, so the continuing need is huge.
For more than a year WMP’s national coordinator in the Philippines worked to renew the import documents required to receive container shipments of Scripture booklets. Two 40-foot containers waited in our warehouse as staff and supporters prayed for a resolution. When the shipments were finally sent, pent-up requests from hundreds of distributors who had used WMP Scripture booklets successfully for many years immediately claimed the 2.1 million booklets received by our coordinator. Another shipment is in process to help meet the great demand.
The economy in Venezuela, along with the philosophical direction of the government, made it very difficult to obtain New Testaments there. When WMP’s national coordinator sent a passionate plea for Spanish New Testaments, we were able to send 76,800 copies, which were received with gladness and gratitude for sharing with new believers coming to Christ.
As yet another natural disaster struck the people of Haiti, new shipments of WMP Scripture booklets and New Testaments were already on the way! The Haitian Bible Society, which looks to WMP for their own supply of Kreyol New Testaments, provided insight into the timeliness of these shipments and the continuing need for God’s Word in Haiti. “We are currently in a difficult situation. With the passage of Hurricane Matthew, the living conditions of our brothers and sisters have become more complicated. Only trust in God and His Word can help them keep hope. . . . A donation in materials allows us to meet the demand of those people who have lost everything except their faith in God.”
During the past year, three new languages were added, bringing our total languages to 346: Herero and Fijian Hindi (The Way to God) and Ojibwe (Help From Above, electronic format only). Additionally, Satan Versus CHRIST was added in Tigrinya, and The Way to God was added in Korean and Ndau.
WMP’s new responsive website went live a year ago and has become the most-used method of submitting requests for free Scripture booklets. We now have 332 Scripture booklets available for online reading via the website or the World Missionary Press App for mobile devices. We are working to make all 770+ items available for online reading and optimized for direct computer-to-plate processing. In addition, 33 booklets in 12 languages are currently accessible in audio format on the app. App users can opt in to receive automated daily prayer and praise items and/or updates on the status of shipments.
In September, WMP’s president Harold Mack traveled to India with Plant Manager Jerry W. for an inspiring visit with our two newest ministry partners there, to interact with the managers of two print shops that have printed millions of WMP Scripture booklets, and to discuss future printings with WMP’s India-based production coordinator, Brother V. of ———–(removed for security reasons). We continue working to make the huge need for God’s Word in India known through Project India—our vision to provide 100,000,000 Scripture booklets for India in three years as God provides: www.myprojectindia.org.
WMP’s Ambassador program is developing a network of “ambassadors” in local churches who will be supplied with up-to-date highlights from World Missionary Press to share with their congregations. Introduction meetings are being planned for areas where WMP-affiliated churches and donors are concentrated, starting in the Indianapolis area. To learn more, visit www.wmpambassadors.org.
Every day God is at work through His Word. What a privilege it is to be involved in providing tools for God’s team around the world!
[You can shine light in our dark world. Every donated dollar provides for the production of 27 powerful Scripture booklets to ship to Christians eager to share God’s Word in the languages of their nation. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,700 people; $1,000 will impact 27,000 people who need to know God.]
The Great Opportunity for Increase
World Missionary Press continues to praise God for how He has enlarged and strengthened us for the future. He has expanded our property and provided for newer and upgraded equipment, enabling us to breeze through levels of production that we used to struggle with, to stage more large shipments simultaneously, and to be more flexible and effective in scheduling and tracking the preparation and production of hundreds of languages and titles.
The increased efficiency of high-volume production plus cost
savings in many areas has led to an 11.4% decrease in the cost per booklet—now only 3.73 cents to produce. Adding shipping cost, a 48-page Scripture booklet the size of Help From Above averages just 4.43 cents to produce and ship anywhere in the world!”
WMP’s plant manager Jerry W. recently noted that our in-plant production could be increased by up to another 2.5 million per month with existing facilities and equipment. We could increase our equivalency volume from 7.5 million per month to 10 million for just $65,000 ($26,000 per extra million for production AND shipping).
Sharing the Word of God with others is the vocation and joy of every believer. Scripture booklets are invaluable tools to help thousands of believers share God’s Word with everyone, no matter the location, culture, or language.
The challenge to the Church is to reach the 7.5 billion people on earth today. No one person or ministry can do that alone, but
WMP is committed to doing all that God will grant us the resources and strength to do. With a network of like-minded workers ready and willing to distribute Scripture booklets, the prayer of WMP is to increase production to supply the demand.
The light of God’s Word is penetrating the darkness. Rino B. reported that by the end of 2016, Every Home for Christ
in Argentina alone will have distributed almost 700,000 pieces of literature (70-80% from World Missionary Press), with 70,000 new believers.
In three states in northeast Brazil, where 34 million people live, the majority are “committed to idolatry and demon worship.” Major contacts in these states, with networks of distributors, are looking to WMP for Scripture booklets to reveal the Light of the World, who dispels the darkness. A recent shipment of 500 boxes totaling 250,000 booklets is but a small start.
The time is short. The need is urgent. Today is the day of salvation. It is time to “arise and shine!”