Hope For Mexico
Kidnapped in Mexico! View Epi’s story!
Dear Friend,
Mexico Every Home for Christ director Gloria Silva shared at our recent Anniversary Dinner celebration about when her husband Epi was kidnapped. Click the picture to watch Gloria tell what happened!
When told “you’re going to die tonight”, Epi just started sharing Jesus…
World Missionary Press is partnered with Gloria and Every Home for Christ in reaching every home in Mexico with the gospel. We’re heading into the final year of the 10-year project, and are raising funds for three semi-containers full of Scripture materials to help complete the task. Praise the Lord, the first of the three containers was funded during the Anniversary Dinner celebration! You can make an eternal difference in many lives by helping with the second “Hope for Mexico” container!
Thank you for your help – Together, impacting Mexico for eternity!
Sincerely in Christ,
Harold Mack, President
You can help impact millions in Mexico for eternity! World Missionary Press is teamed with Mexico Every Home for Christ in reaching every family in Mexico with the good news of the Gospel. This effort to reach every home began in 2008, with a projected completion by the end of December, 2018.
We are committed to providing 3 semi-trailers full of Scripture materials to help complete this task. We are raising funds for the second of the three containers. The containers are needed soon, so the hundreds of EHC workers in Mexico have the materials they need for reaching families for Christ.
$5,000 in matching funds beginning November 8 at 8 am, until gone!
Recently in chapel at WMP, Gloria and Epi from EHC Mexico shared their heart’s desire—to finish covering the country of Mexico with the Gospel for the third time by December 2018. That’s a big goal, but with God all things are possible! Precious souls in Mexico need to hear of God’s love for them, and YOU can help send them that message.
We are looking to form a special Hope for Mexico team… an inner core of dedicated champions to help build the momentum and raise support for the second of three semi-trailers of God’s Word to Mexico. (Our first semi-trailer has already been funded!) The Mexico team will help do this primarily through email and social media from now until the end of December.
Will you be a part of our team? It all begins with setting up your own personal fundraising page. Note: The most important part of setting up this page is uploading your profile photo.