As exciting as the news of the Gospel taking root in Jamaica is, there’s much more going on in the Caribbean. WMP has received many reports from people all over the island nations about how God has used booklets to change lives – as well as urgent requests for more. Let’s see what God is doing there!
Cuba: God is at work in Cuba! A resident of Havana, J. L. compares his conversion to that of Saul of Tarsus. He, too, was once a high-ranking official, a professor of law, and a determined persecutor of the gospel of Jesus Christ. But his Christian wife prayed for his salvation tenaciously and witnessed to him until he received Christ at age 42.
After becoming a Christian, J. L. was stripped of his titles and house, and his two daughters were expelled from the university they attended. He reports that one night God woke him and his wife and daughter and called all three of them into ministry. They felt God assuring them not to have fear, saying, “Those I call, I bless.” Submitting to the Lord’s direction, the family began offering food and help to those in Havana who were poorer than they, and God has faithfully provided for them through the generous offerings of compassionate donors ever since. He began printing gospel literature with a Christian brother, producing thousands of books in eight different titles and distributing them throughout Cuba free of charge.
During a trip to the U.S. in 2008, J. L. met with like-minded believers to plan how to share the gospel throughout their homeland. They decided to launch a four-phase project. First, they would distribute gospel tracts to the masses. To those who responded to the tracts they would award a New Testament, and then begin to disciple the new believers. Finally, they would give those disciples Bibles and connect them to a church in their area. Two years later, Mision con Pasion was born, and WMP Scripture booklets were used to initiate the process.
In its first year, the project shared the good news with thousands of people, and with twice as many in its second year. Currently, the interdenominational ministry has quite a few full-time workers and, best of all, some thousands of people have professed genuine faith in Christ. All of this is in addition to the ministry of feeding the poor with the help of Ben and June, Canadians with a heart for Cuba and a long association with WMP.
O. B. was born into a Christian home. His uncle was the first Methodist pastor in Cuba, and he himself began working for the Methodist church in the 1980’s, producing Christian audio visual materials which were made available throughout Cuba in 17 distribution centers. One day, when O. B’s brother-in-law invited him on a business trip to Havana, he decided to visit the Cuban Bible Commission, which happened to be close to his brother-in-law’s meeting. There he met Ben and courteously invited him to his home. When Ben showed up at his door six months later, he asked O. B. what he’d like most. He replied that he’d like to fill Cuba with free Christian literature, giving tracts to people with no money to buy them.
He remembers a time when it was impossible to obtain Christian literature in Cuba and people hand-copied Bibles and books they happened to find, including Billy Graham’s Messengers of God.
As O. B. learned about the work of other Christians in Cuba (including J. L.), he began networking with various ministries. His wife, Maria, spearheads a child evangelism ministry, teaching young adults and teens how to teach children. He related how he once met a man with a VBS ministry. This man wanted to obtain WMP Scripture booklets from him and asked how much they cost. When O. B. assured him that they were free, the man wept.
When Ben retired from a factory job in Canada in 1991, he little dreamed that four years later, the Lord would give him an intense desire to go to Cuba, though they knew no one there. Since that first visit, God has given Ben and June open doors, including a good working relationship with the former and current Secretary of the Cuban Bible Commission. Most of WMP’s Spanish Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and salvation coloring books were years ago specifically approved for legal import (because they are full of Scripture), along with the thousands of Spanish Bibles supplied by God’s provision and shipped on containers to Cuba from the Canadian Bible Society. Materials are apportioned by the Cuban Bible Commission to all the denominations. About one million WMP Scripture booklets filled a container that set out for Cuba this past August.
When Ben retired from a factory job in Canada in 1991, he little dreamed that four years later, the Lord would give him an intense desire to go to Cuba, though they knew no one there. Since that first visit, God has given Ben and June open doors, including a good working relationship with the former and current Secretary of the Cuban Bible Commission. Most of WMP’s Spanish Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and salvation coloring books were years ago specifically approved for legal import (because they are full of Scripture), along with the thousands of Spanish Bibles supplied by God’s provision and shipped on containers to Cuba from the Canadian Bible Society. Materials are apportioned by the Cuban Bible Commission to all the denominations. About one million WMP Scripture booklets filled a container that set out for Cuba this past August.
Puerto Rico: WMP has a very vibrant and growing presence in Puerto Rico, spearheaded by our national coordinator Adalberto S. A self described “volunteer literature missionary”, he has introduced many, many pastors, churches, and individuals to WMP Scripture booklets. One ministry has weekly / monthly outreaches in prisons, hospitals, housing projects, homeless shelters and among the street people of their city. They asked for whatever help WMP could give to meet the needs in each of these areas.
Adalberto notes that some believe Puerto Rico is already evangelized, but that there really is a BIG need. People in 45 institutions and 78 towns and their rural districts have never had someone give them a Scripture booklet and do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In response to this need churches in Puerto Rico are reaching out with many calling for material to reach their towns and communities.
The energy for the gospel being generated in Puerto Rico is spreading to other parts of the Caribbean and the world, as distributors share the good news of the free Scripture booklets from WMP with fellow believers in other countries.
Dominican Republic: WMP’s national coordinator will be receiving a new shipment soon. He generally receives a 20-foot container every two years. Spanish salvation coloring books are given to the hundreds of children who are gathered in classes after every monthly outreach, besides being provided to churches and other ministries. Spanish New Testaments are used as part of their daily ministry in prisons, hospitals, and remote regions. Kreyol material is also used to evangelize Haitians living in the Dominican Republic (many moved to that side of the island after the devastating earthquake in Haiti). Seminars are taught to encourage local Christians to learn the plan of salvation in Kreyol before distributing the material. Missionaries from the DR are also supplied
with Kreyol Scriptures for their missions to Haiti.
Haiti: A 40-foot container was sent in 2014 to our coordinator in Haiti, which included an allotment for Every Home for Christ Haiti and pallets for Thonny Paul in Cap Haitian. In addition, a shipment of 1,594 boxes was sent to the Haitian Bible Society. Because we now provide Kreyol New Testaments to the Bible Society for free distribution, we are no longer required to pay royalties on the Kreyol New Testaments print by World Missionary Press – a double blessing.
Trinidad & Tobago: World Missionary Press receives a lot of smaller requests from these Caribbean islands. Pastors and church members are grateful for the Word of God, which transforms lives. Mary N. gives booklets to people she meets as she travels or who serve her in a shop or bank. Once a month she is part of a group which distributes Scripture booklets in the marketplace. “I like them,” she says, “because they are like giving someone a little Bible.” Richford C, affiliated with a “ministry intended to infiltrate every sphere of life and sector of society with the principles, power, and person of Christ”, wrote enthusiastically asking for literature:
Please let me get some booklets. We will share them out and sometimes use them as a conversation starter. We had about a hundred from another church but those along with about 1000 tracts are finished already. Please send them quickly. I am the minister going full-time, and desperate to be on the streets, soul hunting. If you wish you can DOUBLE my order. They will not waste – so many unsaved and unchurched people in this country. Thanks for the help. Keep up the excellent work. I LOVE YOU!We at WMP are so excited by the passion of so many in the Caribbean for God and His Word. It is a privilege to equip Caribbean Christians with the tools to spread the Gospel throughout their islands. Praise God for what He’s doing, and partner with us in prayer for more workers to go out into the harvest fields in the Caribbean!