Believers, motivated by their love for Jesus and their neighbors, continue to share the Word with a world eager to listen, in need of guidance, and longing for hope. Numerous groups rely on WMP for the booklets that facilitate their outreach efforts. Take heart; God and His Word are actively influencing the world!
Steven G. of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee reported, “Our flip phone doesn’t take the greatest pictures of the lit up ‘Jesus’ sign that we take out onto the sidewalk edge in downtown Gatlinburg. We are out there at least 3 hours each night on the weekends, which are the busiest, to pass out your booklets and play Christian music. Five thousand people walk past us during any given evening and at least 1,500 (sometimes up to 3,000) people will take your booklets. So, the harvest here is huge.”
A new distributor, placing an initial order, noted on his form, “I had a friend share some of these booklets with me, with the intention that I would use them to go out and share the Gospel. Last week, a friend and I went to Target and shared the Gospel with everyone that came across our path. Because we live in the Bible Belt, many people gave a dismissive ‘yeah, I know that,’ but just the idea that we were able to hand them real Scripture and point them to the Word of God made every encounter worthwhile. Many people did not want to take anything, but when they saw that it was just Scripture, they were excited and then willing to take it. [We] were filled with so much joy and gladness, we decided to do this every week.”
Jesus, in His love for people, has called His disciples to different ministries that use WMP material. William B. writes, “Our ministry is called One Accord Ministry. We do men and women group Bible study at [a country detention center in California]. Our last order placed with you was for [A Bible Study on Romans]. That study is completed, and we are excited to now start [A Bible Study on John]. We at One Accord Ministries are eternally grateful for all you have done in supplying the books we need in our ongoing efforts to reach the world for Christ.”
Another ministry reports, “We at Street Level have been using WMP literature for years all over the world. What is so amazing to me is when people receive a gospel booklet, they stop and read it from cover to cover, and you can tell that the Lord is using these to touch many lives. On an outreach we did in Guatemala, we handed out thousands and thousands of The Way to God booklet and so many took them and started to read it. One thing which was so cool is later in the park, I noticed whole families gathered around each other to read the booklet as a family. So yes, these booklets get read and I would encourage all to carry Gospel booklets with you and to hand them out as you go about your day. So many are receptive and are open to receiving one from each of us.”

Susan K., our coordinator in Mexico, paraphrased the pastors’ responses to a recent training session: “Each pastor shared that the literature was the answer to many long-time prayers. Thanks to God and World Missionary Press for this blessing to the pastors. All of them agreed. The literature is assisting them in their ministries and evangelism as well as equipping the Christians with Bible study tools. The literature is flooding many areas of Mexico. Praise God. God’s Word does not return void, [and] that is God’s promise to us. We will wait for the fruit of this blessing. We will also wait for the next truckloads.”
Many international distributors view each forty-foot container, containing 2.1 million Scripture booklets, as a significant delivery of love. Their demand remains insatiable. A substantial number of our 82 coordinators are increasing their container orders, enduring lengthy waits for arrivals, and hoping that WMP can increase production capacity to meet this growing need.
In an email response thanking us for shipping information, Velu wrote, “We are happy to know that a container is getting ready and would reach us in two or three months’ time. It is going to be very difficult to answer our partners as they have been waiting for a very long time. Please arrange to send 4 to 5 containers [in] 2025. The need for the booklets is increasing day by day. There are hundreds of distributors committed to share the Gospel, and so we want to supply the Word of God for the people who need the truth. We appeal to you to prayerfully consider sending us 5 containers this year.”
New opportunities to share the love of Jesus are becoming increasingly common, driven by a growing demand. Wordsower, a partner organization in Africa, has expressed gratitude for access to previously unreached tribes in West Africa. “Huge praise! We are celebrating and dancing! Wordsower Africa is a hub that trains and sends indigenous missionary teams to unreached tribes in West Africa. We received a donation to establish a new base in Sierra Leone. We have already sent a team into an area of three unreached tribes: the Fulbe tribe has no known Christians, the Kuranko tribe has no known evangelical Christians, and the Eastern Maninka have about 13 Christians per 1,000 people.” Wordsower will need more booklets to help with this ministry.
We received the following note of thanks from Uganda: “A special thank you to World Missionary Press for walking with Frontline Outreach Ministries here in Africa. The men I work with and I have gratitude deep down in our hearts, all directed towards your tremendous efforts, love, encouragement, and support in helping us deliver the Word of God to every home, and most especially to those who cannot afford access to such useful information on their own.” –Albert K.

We love God’s ministry through World Missionary Press. Every day we are blessed by testimonies of how the Word of God is changing people’s lives. Just as our distributors are asking for more, it is our heart’s desire to produce more. Jesus’ burden for lost souls weighs on us.
We want the Gospel news to go to the world as quickly and efficiently as possible. We have been grateful for the 25 years the Lord has blessed the King Web Press in producing our booklets. However, we realize it is time to add a second web press to our production line. Not only so we can meet the growing demand for booklets but also as a safeguard, should the current press malfunction and the repairs take extensive time out of the production schedule.

Our Twelve:24 Capital Campaign is being introduced to fund the purchase of a second King Web Press. We have contracted to buy a refurbished press, which will have a folder custom-built to work with it. The new press is scheduled to arrive at the beginning of 2026.
With the second press producing another 12 million booklets each month, a backlog will be created in the bindery department. Because of this, our Twelve:24 Capital Campaign will also fund the purchase of a fourth bindery and Palamides bundler. We are grateful for the 12 million booklets being produced each month and are looking forward to our production doubling and the Word of God multiplying in the coming years.
Click HERE to learn more about our Twelve:24 Capital Campaign!