Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. —1 John 4:7, 8
People are hungry for love – a love that is real and can be trusted. Rose Goodman, cofounder of WMP, wrote a children’s coloring book titled God Loves You! to introduce God’s perfect love to children from every corner of the world.
That original book has been reformatted with updated pictures to fit WMP’s production processes, allowing us to print more copies more economically. The response to this new coloring book has been phenomenal with demand continuing to grow.
In the new format the right page is a picture to be colored that depicts a scene in Jesus’ life – including His incarnation, baptism, temptations, ministry in Word and miracles, crucifixion, resurrection, and triumphal return. Other pictures depict the creation story, Adam and Eve’s sin, and the giving of the Ten Commandments. The booklet closes with pictures of children responding to the need for salvation, reading the Bible, praying, helping others and suffering for their faith.
Scripture verses on the left page of the booklet tell the picture’s story. We know that the gospel can be understood by a child as the Holy Spirit speaks to the heart. If an adult reads the booklet to a child they can also be drawn to the Lord. They will see that the gospel message of love is not for children only.
The reformatted booklet is ministering throughout the world in schools, mission hospitals, evangelistic children’s ministries, youth camps, and mental hospitals. To date, about 7.5 million copies of the booklet have been provided in English, Indonesian, French, Malagasy, Portuguese, Spanish, and four South Asia languages to 98 destination countries. Another 1.5 million booklets are in production with two new languages being prepared for printing.
Recently the Pentecostal Church of God-International Movement sent an urgent request for 480 boxes of Spanish God Loves You! booklets for a special evangelistic project in Puerto Rico. “This way they will have a nationwide impact on a great part of the population of the children of Puerto Rico. Children and their families will be impacted and we pray many will join a church of their choosing along with their families.”
A mission hospital in the Ecuadorian Amazon region found one last copy of the original God Loves You! in the hospital. The chaplain asked about getting new ones for the children and was delighted with the new booklet format he found on the WMP website. Several boxes of booklets in the Spanish language were provided for the mission hospital.
Rosa in El Paso, Texas works with immigrants from Venezuela, Peru, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Ecuador, and El Salvador. She writes, “The children are fascinated because they say they have never been given a book in Spanish.” She says the God Loves You! and The Way to God booklets have been great blessings. “We welcome the immigrants with joy and with God’s Word and many have repented and accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior”.
In New Jersey, Eric shares God Loves You! at red lights in traffic and at doctors’ offices. He says. “Lives have been touched with the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Carolina wrote on her order form: “One day someone gave me a God Loves You! booklet and it completely changed my life. I want to be able to give it to someone so that Jesus can change his or her life too. Thank you so much! God bless you!”
[Every donated dollar provides for the production of 24 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,400 people; $1,000 will impact 24,000 people who need to know God’s love.]
Susie F.
Volunteer Coordinator
I was devastated when I lost my job after 19 years of service. I could not imagine looking for a new job at my age. I have worked in the secular sphere my whole life, so when World Missionary Press popped up on a job search engine, I didn’t think I would be a good fit.
After my interview, however, I knew this was the place for me. I needed all the kindness, prayer and comfort that WMP offers its staff and volunteers in-house—via e-mail, by the machines, and in the offices. This isn’t just a job, but more like a home. I feel very blessed that WMP came into my life when it did.
I have worked for 7 months as the Volunteer Coordinator. Each morning, afternoon and some evenings people come from various churches, organizations, families or as individuals to package the booklets as they come off the bindery. My job is to coordinate and schedule these groups, as well as welcome them to the plant and pray with them before they begin their shift.
All my family lives in this area. My son lives with me and my daughter is in Fort Wayne. When not working I hang with my friends, walk my dog, and have fun with my 7 year old grandson. I also love to garden, cook, decorate, and read.
Bindery Operator
For whatever reason you apply to work at World Missionary Press, like Susie above, you might find you are a better fit than you think. You do not have to be a pastor or evangelist to do the work of the Lord. Operating a machine that produces booklets of Scripture in 350 languages going to 200 nations is also the Lord’s work. If you are energetic, mechanically-minded, detail-oriented, quality and production-minded and able to trouble-shoot and fix mechanical problems World Missionary Press wants to talk with you!
To learn more visit or scan on the QR code. You can also set up a tour of the facility to learn more about the work environment. Find out how you can become a member of our team, impacting lives for eternity!
Grateful Quotes
Sharing the Gospel with Hawaiian Passengers
“Aloha from Hawaii,
I praise the Lord for your hard work for the kingdom of God. Here in Kahului, I used to display the booklets like a little library on the side walk in front of my house, where miles of students pass by every single study day. I passed out Help From Above and God Loves You! booklets in the English, Spanish, Tagalog, Marshallese, and Ilocano languages.
Now I am working Lyft and Uber and had the idea to give my “aloha” to every single passenger by giving them one of these booklets. I use the time of our ride (sometimes long) to share my personal experience with God Almighty. I see people confessing Jesus as Savior inside my car and this is priceless joy!
Thanks for letting me share what God is doing around me. So much love and prayers.”—Sheila C., Hawaii
WMP Partners Around the World
Worldwide ministries large and small are supported by the free Scripture booklets provided by WMP. Their needs vary, but their gratitude and sincere appreciation is the same – “Thank you, your help is vital.” Albert K. directs a ministry in Uganda and has been using WMP Scripture booklets for several years. Last year he received 200,000 booklets in 10 languages directly from WMP. The following information is gleaned from his expression of gratitude for the work of WMP.
WMP: When did you first learn about WMP?
Albert: I got to know World Missionary Press through Frontline Outreach Ministries. WMP has continuously beefed up our ministries in the form of prayers and supplies of the famous Scripture booklets. The presence of WMP is always felt on all our outreach mission journeys into vulnerable and hard to reach communities and villages (and other parts of the world wherever the Lord leads). We therefore thank the entire team at World Missionary Press and all those who stand in the background and avail themselves to be used by the Lord to support WMP in all its work of supporting evangelism across the world. All your efforts are not in vain.
WMP: How does the availability of free literature affect evangelism in your country?
Albert: Since WMP Scripture booklets are not for sale, the Word can reach every soul at no cost, which alone goes a long way in putting a smile on the faces and in the hearts of many who literally can’t even afford two meals a day! By His grace and mercy, the good news, in the people’s heart language, is able to reach the communities/villages with the love of Christ, and the Word of hope that melts every heart with peace and joy.
WMP: How do the Scripture booklets contribute to your ministries goals?
Albert: Our goal, as we continuously pray for more open doors, is to make the gospel of Christ the most famous of all things in the world. In all our mission work, beginning with Frontline Outreach Ministries, the partnership with WMP continues to be a source of encouragement in keeping the Gospel fire burning here in Uganda and throughout Africa.
WMP: How would you describe the effectiveness of the topical Scripture booklets in your country?
Albert: As folks continue to hear the Word in their heart language, the Word not only brings salvation, but acts as a tool helping many to overcome all kinds of barriers and resistance! It’s indeed that heart language learned at home from the earliest age that holds the key to any person’s heart. So, thank you to World Missionary Press for using that “key” very well which has continued to ease the Great Commission work across the world to the glory and honor of the Lord Almighty.
WMP: How do the Bible studies and Scripture booklets from WMP help establish believers and strengthen churches in your country?
Albert: The pocket-friendly size of the Scripture booklets makes it easier to transport the booklets from one place to another. The size continues to come in handy when handing them to others. Also, the recipient gets a convenient way to read the Word as he/she has a few moments on a commute or other journey. The booklet format makes evangelism, from start to finish, a worthwhile experience in the company of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Scripture booklets, catering to all age brackets, are formatted in such a way that they suit the desire of every heart. They continue to be very resourceful reading material at every stage of ministry – far beyond what anyone would have imagined! To the editing and printing team at World Missionary Press, thank you and praise the Lord for His wisdom, knowledge and understanding.