“To the Corners of the Earth!”
For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
He will set up a banner for the nations… from the four corners of the earth.” – Isaiah 11:9b, 12
Excitement rose among the staff as word was received that a faithful partner had given WMP a challenge grant to provide container shipments to “the corners of the earth.” With a gift of $211,000 and a desire to help fund shipments going to various parts of the world, the challenge is going out to help toward another $211,000 to fund the printing and shipping of a total 9,163,355 Scripture booklets to waiting, eager hands—four 40-foot container shipments to Russia, Argentina, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and part of a fifth container to Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova.
RUSSIA: In March, 2021, WMP was contacted by believers in Russia who presented a well-organized and focused campaign to reach 25 million people in Central Russia within a 24-month period. This plan included the need for trusted literature, leaving the message of salvation through Jesus Christ to continue speaking. Their initial request was for 1 million copies of A Bible Study on John as a starting point with a subsequent request for 1 million copies of the new WMP booklet, Who do You say that I AM?
“Christ is in our country,” was one eager response. “The ministry is growing so fast and the doors for preaching the gospel are more open than ever in our country. Right now we are distributing about 1,040,000 booklets in one month. We feel we still have the resources to start distributing about 2,000,000 booklets in one month. So we are looking forward to the booklets. Print as many of them as you can! Thank you for your work for our country. I thank Christ that we will rejoice together.”
ARGENTINA: Despite limitations for outreach due to the current pandemic, the work of giving the Word of God to the people of Argentina has continued. Doors are opening, requiring a new supply of WMP Scripture booklets and Bible studies. Churches can once again carry out activities without restrictions. A strategic follow-up and discipleship plan has been started by WMP’s national coordinator in recent months. Their new order reflected an increase in the number of booklets and Bible studies that are proving very effective.
“We are blessed to be partners in evangelization,” wrote EHC Argentina. “God is giving us many opportunities to reach many people for Christ each month, and that’s wonderful! Without you, the work would not be possible, since 70% of the literature we distribute is WMP booklets. Our prison ministry requested Bible studies of John, Matthew, Romans, and Genesis. I just had to say they were exhausted, but we are expecting another shipment! Thank you very much, and many blessings.”
ETHIOPIA: An internal conflict between government and rebel forces has seen thousands die in Ethiopia, with more than a million people displaced. Reports now warn that nearly half a million Ethiopians are facing starvation. Into such uncertainties and desperation, the Word of God brings hope. WMP’s national coordinator confirmed the open doors to share the booklets and the timely need.
“Praise God that Christ is setting people free,” EHC Ethiopia wrote. “Anteneh B. is a street boy who committed lots of sins and was in jail many times. But a simple gospel booklet changed his life. Nobody had told him about Jesus before, because they were afraid to approach him. He shares: ‘But this booklet told me who Jesus is. A lady gave me this booklet, and I accepted Jesus through that message. If Jesus [were] not my Savior, my life [would have] ended up in the maximum-security prison where the worst criminals are sent.’”
A 40-foot container with 1.3 million booklets in Amharic and Oromiffa is in line for production. The booklets are being well received and effective. Millions face an empty tomorrow. Now is the day of salvation.
SOUTH SUDAN: In a recent interview, WMP’s national coordinator in South Sudan eloquently expressed the opportunity and need for a new supply of Scripture booklets. He reports that in the past two years, doors have been opened for evangelism outreach without restriction and churches have seized the opportunity to press forward with the gospel. South Sudan is home to 64 tribes, 27 of which have not been reached with the gospel. He states that “Without you, we wouldn’t know what we could do.” The larger areas of Darfur, Khartoum, and the Nuba Mountains are open to the gospel, accentuating the need for more material.
Booklets are urgently needed in two of the major languages of South Sudan, Dinka and Nuer. The WMP language team is working with the team there to get booklets ready as soon as possible. These will enhance the reach of the literature and support the churches in evangelism and discipleship. A 40-foot container with 1.7 million booklets is in line to provide tools for those going through the open doors God has provided.
ROMANIA, BULGARIA, and MOLDOVA: Scripture booklets will provide for part of a fifth container shipment, bringing the total project to 9,163,355 Scripture booklets destined for the corners of the earth! Each Help from Above-sized booklet can be printed and shipped for 4.6053 cents. What eternal value! You can be part of the vision and provision of the partner who so earnestly wants to reach around the world with words of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ! Will you help meet our “Corners of the Earth” challenge?
[You can be involved in projects “to the corners of the earth!” A generous donor has already provided $211,000. Can we meet his challenge to provide another $211,000? Producing 9,163,355 million Scripture booklets will also ship four 40-foot container shipments to Russia, Argentina, Ethiopia, and South Sudan, plus part of a fifth container to Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova.]
Grateful Quotes
“I came from a Buddhist family. I prayed and asked Jesus at a church meeting on Feb. 8, 2020, to prove to me that He is real, and He did! Out of nowhere, the pastor who didn’t know me, called out my name and prayed over me. It was amazing.
“I want to give booklets to the Vietnamese community around me and other booklets to everyone that I meet daily and for family. Thank you!
“I was in Las Vegas during this Thanksgiving holiday and got a booklet, Help from Above. I think it was meant for me to get the booklet! I usually travel to Vietnam to visit family back there, and now I know where to get the Word of God in Vietnamese. My goal is to spread the good news in Vietnam.”
—Anthony C., Florida
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6-Unit Press Operator
You could be the next addition to the WMP team!
We are looking for an Offset Printing Press Operator to assist in running our 6-unit Man Roland 300 Press. You will be trained on the job by our Color Press Supervisor and gradually move into being one of our press operators.
Preferred experience includes:
We are looking for someone with the following traits:
- -Good vision (no astigmatism or color blindness);
- -Physically able to lift 40 pounds;
- -Mechanical aptitude;
- -Focused on detail and quality;
- -Team player with a desire to learn and grow;
- -Flexible to meet production schedule needs.
World Missionary Press provides a good work environment, major health insurance, and paid vacation, holiday, sick, and personal hours.
We have Chapel every work day for approximately 20 minutes as paid time (or Hour of Power twice a month).
This is an excellent opportunity to get in on the ground floor with this press while helping reach the world with the Good News! Come by for a tour to see the press in operation! Please visit www.wmpress.org/job-openings or scan the QR code for more information on this exciting position!
WMP Partners Around the World
Some major distributors have faithfully partnered with WMP national coordinators for many years. As booklets are printed and shipped, they are an encouragement to WMP staff, and we are assured that Scriptures will be given out prayerfully and with care and that the Word will fall on good soil. We praise God for those who take up the challenge, carrying words of life and hope wherever the Lord leads.
WMP: Brother Omar, please describe your ministry and background.
Omar: In March 1982, Evangelica Cristiana Templo Belen began its first service. We continue to preach the gospel where the Lord takes us. We have 25 churches within the city of Buenaventura and rural areas, as well as churches established in Ecuador, Belgium, and Switzerland. We distribute literature in all of Colombia to churches who request literature to preach the gospel. We continue to expand through cell groups of adults and children that later become churches.
WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing WMP literature?
Omar: I received my first mail bag of literature in 1995. In 1998 I met with former WMP President Jay Benson and current WMP President Harold Mack in Bogota regarding serving as a major distributor for WMP material in Colombia. We have been answering the challenge since that time, receiving container shipments for distribution.
WMP: How has the free literature helped the churches grow?
Omar: We give thanks to God because Colombia is being filled with the Glory and the Word of God as the waters cover the sea. The gospel is being preached in all the national territories, and many churches are open to preach the gospel. WMP literature has been a great blessing in the country. We have delivered to places as far as the Eastern Plains at the other extreme of the country and to the south in places like Tumaco, in the capitol of Bogota, etc. Literature from WMP is a blessing for both adults and children, as it is clear for all that read it.
WMP: What challenges do believers face in Colombia as they receive and share the Scripture booklets?
Omar: Thanks to God, the Word of God can be preached or distributed with liberty in most cities. In some cities like Cali, etc., there are communities where you need to identify yourself to be able to enter. We go into these areas in uniform with the Army of Prayer and Salvation. When they see us in uniform and that we are Christians, they allow us in, but they do not allow us to take photographs. In December, while we were sharing in uniform, one of us was threatened with death, but they did not harm us because we were together in a group.
WMP: Do you have a testimony you can share?
Omar: This year during our evangelistic journey in Cali, we visited in the Barrio Jardin, a dangerous zone because of violence, narco trafficking, and the presence of many homeless, drug addicts, and street vendors. One street vendor who received a booklet was so touched by it that the next day she searched for us until she found us and asked for another booklet to read. She showed us in her handbag those she had already read. This is the power of the Word of God. Both adults and children like The Way to God Scripture booklet because of the model prayer on page 29. Because of that prayer, they ask for it more than the other titles. That booklet has been the key to go into very dangerous places.
Pray for the 51.6 million people of Colombia, with its 1,119 cities. The need of literature to reach Colombia is great!