Deliverance for Haiti Through God’s Word
“When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” —Isaiah 59:19b

Churches in Haiti struggle to care for their own, unable to reach out to their communities with needed food, water, clothing, and shelter. Their hearts ache for their island nation and its people. They cry out for help—and help comes! Over the years, many U.S.-based ministries have provided continuing assistance to the people of Haiti. WMP Scripture booklets in Haitian Kreyol and French have been a part of this assistance.
The recurring theme for many Haitian believers is to take the Word of God along with any practical and humanitarian aid, because only the Word of God changes hearts and can deliver a nation from the grip of death and destruction. In the past three years, WMP has shipped 13,520 ten-pound boxes of Scripture booklets, Bible study booklets, salvation coloring books, and New Testaments (the equivalent of 6,760,000 booklets the size of Help From Above) into Haiti through individuals, ministries, WMP’s national coordinator, and the Haitian Bible Society.
One WMP partner ministry in Haiti is Love Worth Sharing, founded in 1998 with the mission of reaching Haiti for Christ. Since 2006, Jim O. has been using WMP Scripture booklets and New Testaments for the various outreaches of LWS. In a recent conversation, Jim shared that while the current situation in Haiti is desperate, in many ways the work and the Word is fruitful. Feeding stations have been established in three areas of southern Haiti. Each week 750-1000 children receive a healthy meal and a lesson from God’s Word. The programs are run as Bible camps with Bible teaching, booklet distribution, and a hearty meal. Some of the children who were fed and taught when they were 7-8 years old are now teachers and leaders in the program! When Jim and his teams go to a new area, they claim that place for Christ, wresting it from the voodoo traditions that have long bound minds and hearts.
Large shipments are planned for WMP’s national coordinator and three major ministries in Haiti. From our national coordinator, Gladys M., came this email:
“Thank the Lord for all of you at WMP, for the impossible work that you’re all doing to carry the Word of God all over the world, including Haiti. I stand in awe seeing how the Lord is using so many of His servants to bring His Word all over Haiti. Again, on behalf of the Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ, ‘Thank you.’ We are blessed to send our deepest appreciation for providing us with 4,000 boxes, as this new container is even more of a blessing compared to our last shipment, although due to the rise of extensive demands we have been exposed to, it would be of great help if we could receive more than 4,000 if possible. Thank you again for partnering with us in getting God’s Word out to the world. We are very grateful to be part of this life-changing work you guys have been providing for years.”
The Haitian Bible Society also plays a major role in helping provide WMP Scripture booklets and New Testaments in Haitian Kreyol, offering 20,000 New Testaments free of charge to churches and ministries whose members cannot afford to purchase a Bible or New Testament.
Another group which has been receiving WMP literature for Haiti for several years was recently able to obtain the documentation needed to import a shipment of literature for their base in northern Haiti. When WMP committed to providing literature from our upcoming printing of Kreyol material, tears welled up in the eyes of their representative, who was overwhelmed at what the Lord was doing and will do for His sake in Haiti through His Word.
WMP’s upcoming production of Kreyol booklets, Bible Studies, and New Testaments for Haiti totals 2,466,180 items, including material to supply teams going from the U.S. to Haiti for evangelism conferences, medical missions, and Vacation Bible Schools, to name a few.
A group from Kansas will be fixing broken wells in Haiti. “Before we begin, we pray with the local people and hand out Scripture booklets. After we fix the well, we give testimonies to Christ and explain the booklet as well. We appreciate WMP for providing these booklets for the Haitian people.”
Many Haitians who fled to other countries have been reached with the gospel through WMP Scripture booklets, as local believers saw the opportunity and requested Kreyol booklets to share with those seeking hope. Shipments to Brazil, Dominican Republic, and Chile included Kreyol material to serve new Haitian communities. Haitian communities in the U.S. are also active in receiving boxes of Scripture booklets and sending them on to Haiti through church and family associations. Praise God! His powerful Word is flooding into Haiti, bringing deliverance and hope.
[You can help provide God’s Word for Haiti and other places of crisis in the world. Every donated dollar provides for the production of 26 powerful Scripture booklets in people’s own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]
Grateful Quotes
“When we have these tools, I feel armed & ready to share!”
“We want to express our GRATITUDE for the WMP Scripture booklets you sent us for ongoing outreach! It means so much to us to have these good materials!
“As you know, I’ve been evangelizing over 47 years, and every day I have these booklets in my pockets in six or seven languages. The very arduous journeys into distant places in Asia for 32 years were intense, but I had the good booklets to toss, give, send, and even TEACH about, as I held them up in front of tribal crowds and Bible Schools in jungles and inner-cities.
“I recall handing out 1,200 booklets and 700 Bibles in front of a Buddhist temple all in one day, with a team. Great blessings! The police came over to ask us to leave because it appeared we had ‘more power’ than they, they said!
“When we have these tools for gospel trips—and daily wherever we go, as we meet Burmese, Thai, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Spanish, Hebrew, English-speaking people—I feel armed and ready to share and see souls saved! We feel RICH when we have these blessings you sent! THANK YOU!”
—Pat C., Asia
Meet the Team
Jean G.
I first heard of World Missionary Press more than 40 years ago when I was given a Help From Above Scripture booklet. I still have it after all these years!
For more than 30 years it was a dream of mine to come to New Paris and see the work and help out. Life has kept me very busy and, until recently, I could not make the trip. Since I don’t drive, I came by train. This is the most amazing and wonderful thing I have ever gotten to do in my 60-plus years! This is my first time to volunteer and, God willing, I will be here many more times.
This place is here all for the glory of God! It is truly the work of the Lord. I love every minute helping with the mailings, and it is great to help pack booklets for the world! Everyone has been so nice and helpful. There is a real spirit of Christian harmony here. I love that every day there is chapel for all. The tour was amazing, too!
At home in Pennsylvania, I like to read, decorate, work with plants, work in the church, and watch my little nieces. I am widowed and don’t have a lot of family nearby. I try to see them when I can. My two little great nieces, Adrianna (4) and Annabella (1), are the joy of my life. They are real gifts to me, as are their momma and daddy.
WMP Partners Around the World
Ibrahima D.
The West African nation of Senegal is described as spiritually both open and closed. While there is religious freedom and tolerance, Islam dominates the lives of 90% of its 16.5 million people. Over the past six years, WMP has provided shipments of Scripture booklets in multiple languages for believers to use in sowing the seed of the gospel through Ibrahima D., WMP’s national coordinator for Senegal.
WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry.
Ibrahima: I grew up in a Muslim family in Mauritania. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ when I was 13 years old, after my family was forced to leave Mauritania and settle in Senegal in desperate conditions. As my family situation worsened, I prayed to God, asking that if He would deliver my family from their troubles and potential break-up, I would testify that He is the only true God and follow Him whatever the cost. The Lord answered my prayer. Since then, my only desire has been to announce salvation in Jesus to all Senegalese. When I heard about Every Home for Christ for the first time, I left teaching and chose to evangelize my country with EHC! The idea of God using me to reach out to my own people with the gospel, sharing with and encouraging the broken hearted, perfectly matched my deeply-entrenched yearnings.
WMP: How does the availability of free literature affect evangelism in Senegal?
Ibrahima: In Senegal, people avoid being seen publicly with Christians or going to church. Having literature at home, in the office, in cars, in the fields, etc. allows them to look for the truth without persecution from their parents or family. If they find the truth and accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord, then the church grows secretly. It would be difficult for churches to evangelize publicly without literature. Literature guarantees that the gospel remains in a family, doing its work, available to be consulted by anyone at any time. Literature allows people to teach themselves and discover truth and grow in their spiritual life. Literature in Arabic, French, Wolof, and Serere is needed. [Note: WMP does not currently have material in the Serere language. Work has begun on a booklet in Wolof.]
WMP: How long does a shipment of WMP literature last?
Ibrahima: Even those who like literature do not accept everything that comes from Christians or churches, so we need to form relationships with non-Christians to assure them before the distribution. This takes time. As we want to do our work well and not be in a hurry, it takes two or three years to use a shipment.
WMP: How would you describe the effectiveness of WMP material?
Ibrahima: WMP booklets are more complete and more appropriate for Bible studies and follow-up for believers. The only problem is the languages. It would be great if we could have these tools in all the languages listed above. We also need New Testaments in Arabic and French, 20,000 for each. All the Scripture booklets will be used in Muslim areas. In home-to-home campaigns, open-air evangelism, and street film-projection, every participant will receive one of each booklet. We will leave one copy of each in every home visited. [Note: In response to Brother Ibrahima’s request, WMP’s most recent shipment to Senegal included 20,000 copies each of The Gospel of John, How to Know God, and A Bible Study on Genesis in Arabic as well as 46,900 New Testaments in Arabic and French.]

Ibrahima has a special burden for the Wolof people in Senegal—99% of whom are devout Muslims. The few churches in Wolof communities typically do not have Wolof Christians, but only foreigners and people from other minority groups. A translation project to provide WMP’s booklet, How to Know God, in the language of 5 million Wolof-speaking Senegalese is in process and awaits final corrections from the field. Please pray for the completion of this much-needed title in Wolof!