HOW OFTEN HAVE YOU SAT in a doctor’s office or waited for your car to be repaired and looked around for something to read? You might see old magazines and perhaps flyers for a local restaurant, but nothing really draws your attention. Then you notice a small display with colorful booklets and a sign that says “Free.” You casually pick out a booklet and return to your seat, perhaps surprised to find that you are reading verses from the Bible. The words touch your heart with an unexplained certainty that they are true.
This scene is repeated time and time again all over the country because of the availability of WMP Booklet Displays. These attractive and easy-to-use stands displaying and offering WMP literature can be found in mechanic shops, food pantries, medical offices, business offices, hardware stores, and any place where the owner/operator is willing to make the Word of God available.
Displays can also often be found in Salvation Army food pantries and outlets. When William Booth determined to leave his pastorate in 1865 and take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the destitute, derelict, poor, and needy of London’s East End, his vision was to introduce them to Christ and His boundless love by helping to meet their physical needs while introducing them to the Savior through “soup, soap, and salvation.”
Today the Salvation Army continues to meet physical needs as well as spiritual needs. From California to Connecticut, many of their corps have found WMP Scripture booklets to be a vital tool to assist in their mission.
From California, M. H. wrote, “I love to provide my clients with something that goes beyond just meeting their physical need. The best gift—Jesus.”

“We have a pocket wall in the lobby of our social services office,” wrote C.R. from Connecticut. “We refill the wall every few months and the booklets fly out. They have ministered to hundreds of clients who come for services. As they wait, they are ministered to by your booklets.”
“We hand out these amazing booklets to the senior community as well as families within our agency’s programs—those who receive services from our food pantry, emergency homelessness services, after-school program, and Bible studies,” wrote J.S. from California, whose order included booklets in Armenian, Spanish, and Arabic.
“People we are serving know this as a place where they can find Jesus Christ,” wrote Major Jim, who currently serves in Michigan. “I look at [WMP] as another agent for what Christ is doing in the community.”

One Salvation Army facility in Indiana accepted a WMP Booklet Display after some initial hesitation. But the booklets have literally been flying out of the display, and Officer B. is ecstatic. They have reordered four times in the past six months just to keep the material available!
WMP volunteer Gary H. placed several Booklet Displays with Salvation Army centers while on a cross-country trip. He reported that he never had an officer refuse to have one placed in the facility after a face-to-face meeting. Gary reports a new enthusiasm and sense of urgency in encouraging individuals, ministries, business owners, and churches to take responsibility for a free display. Booklets to refill existing displays are readily available from WMP so that the Word keeps going out!
“I was at the gas station and the booklets were on the counter. The cashier said, ‘Go ahead and take some, they’re free.’ So I did, and I was just astounded and blessed about the writings. This little booklet is a synopsis of the whole Bible. I thought, Oh my! What an awesome witnessing tool. So please send my order as soon as possible. I would love to take some to my church, especially because the booklet is so plain and it also witnesses to children by the pictures…. Thank you and God bless y’all.
—G.P., South Carolina
“I have a college-bound football player. Some of his friends are ‘seeking.’ A few days ago my son gave a peer my only copy of How to Know God. The peer said that this tiny little booklet helped him SO MUCH! To GOD be the glory. I received the small booklet from the Salvation Army.”
—A.P., Virginia
Brother Roy has been a faithful distributor of WMP literature for ten years. For the first time he was able to attend the WMP Open House and Anniversary Dinner in October 2017. He was in the last tour of the day, and the tour guide talked about the Booklet Displays and how they are being used. Brother Roy was interested! From years of ministry in Honduras he was well aware of the need for the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit to use the Word to rescue a lost soul. He took three displays home with him and has ordered more since then. They have been placed in several Salvation Army facilities in his area and shared with pastors of three Hispanic churches. Each pastor wanted to introduce his congregation to the booklets for personal evangelism and their own spiritual growth.
Are you looking for a way to share the gospel in your community? Perhaps you could contact your local church or a local business about allowing a WMP Booklet Display to be placed in their facility. As it is important that the display be regularly maintained and refilled, this could become a regular ministry opportunity for a retiree or a family.
WMP Booklet Displays are available free of charge upon request, along with a supply of selected English, Spanish, or English/Spanish mix Scripture booklets and Bible studies to fill them. [Optional: Request the specific titles and languages of your choice.]
Meet the Team
Karen M.
I first heard about World Missionary Press from my pastor’s wife, who was a regular volunteer in the 80’s and 90’s and spoke very highly of WMP. I had been praying about serving in ministry, as well as a way to use my talents and abilities for the Lord. Gratefully, the Lord opened this door for me.
This is my fourth year to work at WMP. I first worked in the Finance Department for over three years, then took some time off and was recently re-hired to fill a Receptionist position. I truly count it a privilege to work here. As a Receptionist, I greet guests when they come in, answer incoming calls, make announcements over the intercom, help maintain records as well as verify addresses, help with upcoming events, help prepare mailings, and do whatever else is needed.
What do I like best about working at WMP? I love the anointing here—so many people working together as a body to impact the world for Christ. We have such a diverse group, with approximately 28 churches and multiple denominations represented among the staff, all functioning together for the same purpose—changing lives through the living written Word. We are blessed to hear amazing testimonies of how lives were changed through reading the Scripture booklets. It is both faith-building and encouraging. The Word really can go where people cannot.
My husband and I have been married for nearly 30 years. We have two daughters and a son who also works for WMP. All are married, so we have a daughter-in-love, two sons-in-love, and four precious grandchildren, two of which were born in 2017. We try to spend as much time with our family as possible and have a lot of fun together. My husband and I consider our marriage and family to be our first ministry, our legacy. So we try to keep that a priority.
My hobbies are many—just about anything creative: drawing, painting, decorating, as well as reading and writing, and my grandchildren, if you can count them as a hobby! They are so much fun. When I’m not working, I spend as much time as possible with my family or doing something creative.

WMP Partners Around the World
Benowartd U. — Tanzania
Bishop Benowartd U. serves as WMP National Coordinator in Tanzania, providing strategic planning for the availability and distribution of WMP literature there. He has highlighted several languages of Tanzania needing Scripture booklets and has recommended translators.
WMP: Brother Benowartd, please describe your background and ministry:
Benowartd: I am a native of southern Tanzania. I was born again in 1992 when I was in secondary school and attending an Assemblies of God church in Lindi. God called me to be an evangelist, pastor, and teacher of the Word of God. After graduating from Bible College, I started to serve Him as a fulltime minister in 1994. In Virginia (USA) I acquired a Bachelor’s Degree of Ministry and Biblical Studies and later a Master’s Degree and doctorate of Christian (Biblical) Counseling. I am now senior pastor (bishop) at Glory Christian Centre (GCC) in Tanzania.
I have been preaching and teaching in different areas in Tanzania; conducting seminars, trainings, and leadership workshops; facilitating and counseling ministers of the gospel of the Kingdom; and reaching unreached people through distribution of gospel booklets.
WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing WMP literature?
Benowartd: In 1992 I received one copy of the gospel booklet Help From Above. When I wrote to WMP requesting more booklets, they sent me five boxes through my postal address. I have worked with World Missionary Press for more than 25 years, first as a distributor until I became the WMP national coordinator in Tanzania in 2009.
WMP: How has the availability of free literature impacted evangelism and strengthened churches in your country?
Benowartd: First, I would like to praise and glorify the Lord God for His vision and work through World Missionary Press and their supporters, who have made it possible to print these gospel booklets, which have been helpful for churches and gospel distributors to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ to evangelize the world.
Getting free gospel booklets has been a blessing because local workers and churches could not afford it. We pray that WMP’s supporters will continue to assist WMP in preparing many boxes of booklets.
Getting free literature has helped churches to grow in number, as many people come to Jesus through the distribution, and the number of local workers and pioneer missionaries who reach out to their communities has also increased. According to feedback that we receive, new believers are brought together and taught, using WMP Bible studies and Scripture booklets. Many Christ groups are being established. Believers are strengthened in their faith and equipped to become distributors themselves, changing the lives of people in Tanzania.
WMP: Would you share a testimony that stands out to you?
Benowartd: Many testimonies stand out to describe the effectiveness of the topical Scripture booklets in my country. For example, Help From Above has been a blessing for many people to come to Jesus Christ. Its message is very powerful, and many distributors bring testimonies from the powerful message in that booklet. This is one of the booklets that we would like to translate in two mother languages of Tanzania.
WMP: What challenges do you have in your country to the open distribution of literature from WMP?
Benowartd: The only challenge we faced was in the process of clearing the containers in the right time to avoid extra charges such as storage, warehouse rent, and demurrage through the lack of commitment of some workers at the port or shipping lines. Now we know more of how to handle that problem for the next container.
WMP: How frequently do you need a shipment from WMP?
Benowartd: According to our distribution plan in different areas and based on the population of Tanzania, one of the biggest East African countries, our ministry prayer request is to receive three containers per year, but for starting, we thank God for WMP agreeing to a container two times per year, as the Lord enables.