Celebrating Jesus!
Idea #3 – A roll of paper
By producing topical Scripture booklets in over 350 languages, WMP provides a unique ministry tool, free of charge, for multiplied nations of the world where materials are not readily available or affordable. The need for “paper missionaries” continues to grow, even in a digital age.
Rolls of PAPER are needed to keep the web press running! A gift of $1,430.74 provides a 1,500- pound 35-inch-wide roll of paper for printing the inside pages for 85,000 48-page Scripture booklets! (The cost per roll of paper increased almost 25% from last year’s $1,147.00 per roll.) A gift of $715.37 will provide half a roll.
Idea #4 – Paper for full-color covers
All WMP topical Scripture booklets and Bible study booklets now have full-color covers. Attractive colorful covers are appealing to the eye, sparking an interest in what might be inside. The contents are still the same precious Scriptures to share the “good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.”
Printing full-color booklet covers is done on our efficient 6-unit sheet-fed press. Each stack of 8,500 sheets costs between $578 and $978 depending on availability, and provides colorful covers for 136,000 48-page Scripture booklets or 68,000 full-color covers for the variety of Bible studies that WMP produces. You can help keep color covers flowing!
Idea #5 – Powerful ink on paper
Ink is vital to the process of printing. When black ink is applied to the rollers on our web press, words from Scripture bring “dead” paper to life! A 425-lb barrel of black ink costing $650.00 transforms rolls of blank paper into the inside pages of approximately two million powerful 48-page Scripture booklets.
A 5-lb can of color ink used to print the full-color covers of Scripture booklets (as well as newsletters and brochures) costs $23.75. A donation of $100.00 will provide color for approximately 58,000 Scripture booklet covers.
Idea #6 – Overseas contract printing
God continues to lead World Missionary Press to provide booklets for certain nations which restrict importing from the USA. Reliable in-country printers are contracted to print the Scripture booklets, which WMP’s national coordinators are able to provide to Christians waiting to share in the joy of giving God’s Word to friends and neighbors. Such overseas printings are generally more expensive than printing in our plant; however, God continues to provide the contacts and the resources to meet the need.
Current contracts in process or pending include printings in S. Asia, Indonesia, and Myanmar. The request from Indonesia for our 2022-2023 fiscal year includes 575,000 copies of the God Loves You! coloring book, which is being well-received. Printing will also include 500,000 Scripture booklets and 350,000 Bible study books.
A donation of any amount will help support believers in these countries by printing God’s Word there.
Idea #7 – New Testaments
Idea #8 – Shipping materials: boxes, strapping, pallets, shrink-wrap
Sending Scripture booklets to the far corners of the world entails using all types of transport—sea containers, postal delivery, trucks, buses, trains, motor bikes, pack animal—before the package arrives at its destination. To prepare shipments for transport, some necessary “little things” involve expenses which are included in the overall cost of providing Scripture booklets to the world.
World Missionary Press uses sturdy cardboard boxes specially designed to hold certain weights. Boxes are strapped closed, rather than depending on tape. Most boxes are loaded onto heat-treated pallets for transport in ship containers. After pallets are loaded to a limited height, they are shrink-wrapped to secure them until the container is unloaded thousands of miles from our dock.
A donation of $99.58 will provide for 256 boxes to be packed with Scripture booklets and fill one pallet. A donation of $96.00 will purchase one coil of strapping and $119.00 will pay for 17 heat-treated pallets to fill a 40-foot container. A gift of $67.00 will purchase 1 roll of shrink-wrap.
Idea #9 – Shipping to the world
Challenges to shipping sea containers have become formidable. Rising prices, closed or congested ports, limited shipping lanes and berths, availability of empty containers—all make for uncertain schedules, but day after day God shows that He is sovereign and that He will make His Word known to the world. As container shipments are completed in production, the task of arranging the delivery to faraway places begins. One by one they leave the WMP dock safe in God’s hands. Shipments are currently en route to 18 different countries. Although delays are often encountered, shipments arrive intact and find their way to the prescribed destination, safe and undamaged. Surely God has His hand on His Word!
This past fiscal year, 59 containers were sent to 45 countries, covering the globe! Shipments carried booklets in languages such as Guarani, Kalenjin, Zulu, Sango, and Maasai. Millions will receive God’s Word, some for the first time in their own language!
We are encouraged to continue trusting the Lord! Even with all the current uncertainties, sending via ship container is still the most economical way to send Scripture booklets, Bible studies, coloring books, and New Testaments. Shipping-related costs to send a container shipment of 4,215 boxes going to Nigeria will amount to $20,481.00. Sending those same boxes via the postal service would cost $225,552.00. Sending 4,215 boxes to Bolivia will cost $11,347.60, saving $148,824.40 over shipping by mail. Such savings allow WMP to print more booklets for more countries, using every donated dollar to the fullest capacity.
Your donation of any amount will help container shipments continue to flow out of the plant, over the seas, and safely into the harbors of the world.