Building for the Kingdom

The New Year is here!

So many of us see the new year as an opportunity to reflect on the past, evaluate the present, and plan for the future. There is a sense of “newness” – a fresh start – an opportunity to do things differently, to make resolutions for positive change.

We have witnessed the Lord work in miraculous ways throughout 2022. God’s blessings were bountiful as He provided the resources needed to send His Word to the nations. All over the world, many souls experienced a new birth – submitting their lives to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

As we prayerfully enter into the New Year, we are excited to see what God will do through World Missionary Press in 2023!

Please watch our Year In Review video below. We praise God for all He has done in 2022!

The new Shipping Warehouse dedication was on Saturday, Nov. 5th, 2022.

UPDATE October 2022

Praise the Lord everything has been completed on the new shipping warehouse.  We are working on the second phase of our project of acquiring a “new” bindery and relocating the two existing binderies.

We will be celebrating and dedicating this new shipping warehouse on Saturday, November 5th.  Tours will go from 1 to 3 pm with a dedication ceremony at 3 pm.  Please plan to join us and celebrate all that God is doing!

UPDATE September 2022

Praise the Lord the building is done!  We are awaiting a gas meter upgrade.  Shipping has been moved to the new building and it is now the Shipping Warehouse!

UPDATE Spring 2022

Since this video was taken the floors have been poured, overhead doors installed and the firewalls and electrical work are in process.  There are still some things yet to be done, but it is progressing!

In response to the Lord’s provision for increased production, we are beginning a building project that will allow us to greatly streamline our workflow, significantly enhancing efficiency of operation; and will also increase our shipment staging space to care for the growing number of container and freight shipments we are sending all over the world!

(photo courtesy of Todd M.)


We are praising God for His provision, and want to thank you our partners for helping us reach and surpass our funding goal of $716,000 for constructing the Shipment Staging Warehouse extension! Our plan is to have the excavation completed and footers poured before winter.

Additional gifts toward the Building for the Kingdom project will be used to help reposition our booklet and New Testament binderies to the south end of our existing facility, including extending electrical service and adding a newer higher-capacity scrap paper baler.

Thank you so much for your prayers and gifts!

To donate click on button


($44 per square foot will help us build our new shipping
warehouse of 16,000 plus square feet.)