I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting. – Daniel 9:3a


“Bringing a person to Christ is not always easy,” says a pastor working in a South Asian country that is antagonistic towards Christianity. There is the deception of false religions, political and social persecution, and the individual darkness of people’s sins. “Sometimes, it takes a lot of effort and prayer before I see any results. However, the day that I see their eyes opened to the truth is always a wonderful day for me.”


World Missionary Press is privileged to send booklets to countries where believers are eager and willing to evangelize, even though the government and the general society frown on such activity. Below are testimonies from one such country in South Asia.


“On many occasions during my ministry, God has allowed the gospel to reach villages through the simple act of distributing booklets,” writes Pastor N. “I remember meeting V., a very ‘religious’ man, but also a troubled man. His life, as he described it, was devoid of any peace. When I gave him a Scripture booklet that spoke of the love and peace that we receive in Christ, he was anxious to learn more about how he might receive this hope and meaning.


“The next time I was in his village, I shared more of the gospel with him. We prayed together. I asked him to continue to pray only to Jesus about the challenges he was facing. Before long, V. began to see incredible improvement in his family. This change allowed both him and his family to place their faith in Christ as their Savior. Their family now hosts a fellowship gathering in their home.”


After distributing hundreds of booklets across five villages, Pastor S. was hoping that several people would call him to learn more about Jesus. Even though it is a huge risk, he writes his personal phone number on the back of each booklet. For many weeks no one called. Sad, he and his wife decided to fast and pray. At the end of the first day of fasting, Pastor S. got a call from someone asking him to come and tell more about Jesus. The pastor was excited to no end, praising and thanking God profusely. A church was started and now 20 people regularly meet for worship.


Pastor J. has been praying seriously about reaching out to a people that remain very resistant to the gospel because of their high status in society. One Christmas season Pastor J. and his church fasted and prayed for many days before undertaking a trip to preach the gospel among these people. In a certain village they met R. and gave him the WMP Scripture booklets The Way to God and Help from Above. He invited the team to his house to hear more. Now Pastor J. meets for worship with ten converts in their village. The first church in this entire region!


A container full of booklets (the third this year) is en route to support the many partners and evangelists in this South Asia nation who faithfully take God’s Word to those who do not know of His love for them and the hope He offers. Four more containers with nearly 8 million booklets are soon to be produced here, with millions more booklets being printed inside this country of more than a billion souls.


[Every donated dollar provides for the production of 24 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,400 people; $1,000 will impact 24,000 people who need to have hope in God.]


Grateful Quotes: A Wonderful Discovery in an Empty Desk


First Baptist Church in Shelbyville, Indiana used to share the church office with another church. “When they moved to a different location, one of the God Loves You! booklets was left in a desk. You are now in my contact list. Our church is making a concentrated effort to grow the church. We want God’s lampstand to shine brightly at First Baptist. Our effort now is directed to bringing children to the church. For our 175th anniversary we are preparing welcome bags to give to each family. These booklets will be in the bags. Please pray for us. Thank You.” –Paytse K.




Meet the Team: Nathan F., Assistant Six-Color Pressman

At the end of 2022, I was dreading my old job and ready for a change. I had grown cold in my relationship with God, and developed some habits that were detrimental. The first habit I changed when I started getting back to God was to start listening to worship music. I was listening to WFRN radio when I heard there was a job opening at World Missionary Press.


Each time I heard the ad I felt like I should try it. I felt that working at the Press might be an opportunity to feel fulfilled in my work for the first time in my life. I started as the assistant pressman of the six-color press at the beginning of February, 2023. I like working here because ultimately I am working for God and bringing people into His kingdom. The environment is helping me be even closer to God.


Just a little family history: I am Mom’s only child. Chuck came into our lives when I was 11 and I eventually considered him my father. Chuck was an army “brat” who adopted two sons, Rob and Marty, who I consider my brothers.


Chuck died recently. So now I have the responsibility to care for the LLC that runs his rental houses. I am the primary VA caretaker for my brother Rob who has PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). I live with my brothers and am responsible for most of the house keeping.


For hobbies, I play a couple of video games, target shoot, and enjoy paintballing now and then. A few times a year, at area car shows, I show the family’s classic cars.







World Missionary Press continues to receive testimonies of what God is doing around the world through the free Scripture booklets.