Enjoying the Blessing of Knowing Jesus
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation! —Isaiah 52:7a
Pastor Abelino was burdened to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ into the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, with the support of Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press. The church he pastored faced challenges, as the people of the community refused to listen to the Word of God! But they prayed and fasted. Then something happened!
Pastor Abelino received a phone call asking for prayer for a sick person who was paralyzed. He moved to that community and began to pray for the sick person. The Lord healed her! He was now able to share the Word of God with the whole family, who received the Lord as Savior. Carrying Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press, fellow workers began sharing the gospel house to house. They were able to baptize a beginning group of new believers who continue to be discipled. These are the first fruits of the passion and prayer to reach this area for Christ, seeing souls place their faith in Jesus, renounce the world, and be baptized. The Scripture booklets and Bible studies support them in carrying out the Great Commission in southern Mexico.
Christians in the region of Chiapas, Mexico, continue to face persecution. Churches are burned; believers are marginalized and harassed. Still, they continue faithful to the Lord and His call to share the gospel.
Pastor Piedra reported, “The material for evangelism that was sent by World Missionary Press is of paramount importance. This encourages us to continue in the surrounding communities that have no Christian church and need to get the printed message. In spite of the very difficult circumstances that we go through, we are eager to continue carrying the Word of God to different places. Some of the children who have been reached for Christ had been abandoned by their parents. Thank God they are enjoying the blessings of the Lord today.”
Several years ago, World Missionary Press produced Help from Above in the Tzeltal de Oxchuc language for the Chiapas area. The first shipment was received with great joy. A major distributor there gathered the pastors and church leadership in that area in a big meeting. He trained them how to effectively use the new booklets, gave each one a supply of booklets, and sent them out to their towns and villages to spread God’s Word. Pastor M. was deeply touched and thankful to God and World Missionary Press for this miracle—to have the message of Jesus Christ in their own language!
A new shipment, with a new supply of Help from Above in the Tzeltal language, will soon be ready to ship to Mexico. We are blessed to have wonderfully committed partners to help supply the distribution in Chiapas. Their report reminds us that God is sovereign, that He loves the whole world, that He speaks their language, and that He has a divine plan to share His love with everyone.
“More than 250,000 people who read and speak only this language are concentrated in Chiapas, Mexico,” wrote J.B. “Chiapas is the most southern state of Mexico and the main pathway from Central America to the United States. However, the materials that go to Chiapas are shared with pastors in several other states in southern Mexico. The shipment that will leave World Missionary Press will allow Pastor Andres to share these resources not only with other states in southern Mexico, but also with some of the countries in Central America. Isn’t that just like God? We think the materials will help the 350 Solo Cristo Salva churches in Chiapas, and God says, ‘No, all of the churches of Chiapas.’ Then we think, ‘OK, that is good,’ and God says, ‘No, all of southern Mexico.’ Then we think, ‘OK, that is better,’ and God says, ‘And I want Central America to be included too.’ And we think, ‘That is even better!’ ”
What a privilege to be a part of what God is doing in this part of Mexico! To labor with those faithful ones who are going into villages where the gospel is not known and where the Enemy has been entrenched for so long. The new shipment destined for Chiapas will carry 1.8 million Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments, including 42,875 copies of Help from Above in Tzeltal. Workers are ready and trained, conquering the high mountains for their King.
[You can help provide God’s Word for Mexico, Central America, and other nations of the world! Every donated dollar provides for producing 26 powerful Scripture booklets in the languages of the people. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]
Grateful Quotes
“Thank you for helping my walk with Jesus.”
“I am currently doing life in prison. I use your Diary Datebook with Bible reading and prayer. I know these booklets are useful to grow in the Word of God as well as [providing] an encouraging word as needed.” —Henry
“For sixteen years you have blessed me with your little Scripture-Text Datebooks. I use them for morning prayer journals. I read the Scripture, then write a short prayer in the daily blanks. It has been wonderful to go back through these books and see how my prayer life has changed over the years. I’ve grown to trust God so much. Thank you for helping me along this journey and for your love and compassion for others.” —Richard
“I’ve been receiving your Diary Datebook since 2001. You have always honored my request without fail. Thank you for your concern and helping my walk with Jesus. It means a lot to me.” —Michael
This year World Missionary Press will produce 750,000 of its unique Scripture-text Datebooks in English for distribution in all types of detention facilities in the U.S. In their solitude, prisoners drink in words of hope and redemption.
Because WMP Scripture booklets are available in many languages, detention facilities rely on them to offer hope and comfort in uncertain and strange situations. A center in Texas requested 2,300 booklets and Bible studies in twelve languages. E.S. wrote, “Books are used to encourage our residents.” Many share what they learn, helping others learn about the love of Jesus through Scripture booklets.
Jeff V.
Accounting/Payroll Manager
I first heard about World Missionary Press through Indeed, a job search website. I felt like the Lord was giving me an opportunity to fulfill a desire to serve the Lord in ministry in His perfect timing. I have been working here since March 2020 as the Accounting/Payroll Manager, filling the role of Tom E., who recently retired.
I think the best thing about working at WMP is having the opportunity to be part of equipping those who are sharing the gospel to the ends of the earth in fulfilling the Great Commission.
When I’m not working, I love to spend time with my grandchildren. I also love golf (fore!).
My wife, Dee, works for a local firm caring for a handicapped adult. My daughter, Melody, who lives in Ohio, is married and has three children: Izzy, Eliana, and Oliver. My son, Jonathan, who lives in Warsaw, Indiana, is married and has a son, Ira, with another on the way. My brother Victor is married and lives in Elkhart. He has two sons and five grandchildren.
WMP Partners Around the World
For more than 25 years World Missionary Press has provided literature for believers in Russia to help build the Church by providing tools for evangelism and discipling those who come to the Savior. At times full container shipments were sent, but in recent years other means have had to be used to provide WMP Scripture booklets and Bible studies in Russia. In the face of many difficulties, God’s people are still reaching out to their neighbors with words of hope and eternal life.
In 2019 WMP supplied funds for printing 150,000 Scripture booklets in Russia, to be used by Every Home for Christ teams in central Russia. Each coordinator was so grateful to have this free literature and eagerly set out to share each and every copy. Their reports warmed our hearts as we read recent testimonies from coordinators in different areas.
Anton: “Every month, together with a team of volunteers, I distribute The Plan for Your Salvation booklets in R—. Every so often I hear this question, ‘What are you handing out?’ We say, ‘This is a Word that will change your life.’ The information that is written in the booklet is very important for people, because it talks about who God is and what He has done for each person. Some people thank us and tell us that we are doing the right thing. I thank you for these booklets, understanding the role that the Word of God plays in a person’s life. Thank you very much.”
Alexey: “Ten thousand booklets were distributed throughout the city and region of N—. Against the background of the pandemic of Covid-19, people are increasingly thinking about God and gratefully accept the booklets.”
Denis: “I am the coordinator of the EHC mission in the V— region. When our team of evangelists distributes New Testaments and evangelistic newspapers, we always try to give a person a booklet, The Plan for Your Salvation, because it contains the necessary passages from the Bible that reveal the need for salvation and the plan to achieve it. Thank you very much for the opportunity to spread the Word of God!”
Andrey: “I am one of the coordinators of EHC in M—. A few days ago, we had a wonderful evangelization; 15 people heard the gospel, we prayed for four people, and they were very open! Somebody had given one of them a booklet before we met him. He was very open. We explained why we need to pray the prayer of repentance and explained how to pray to God in general. He said that he would pray the prayer of repentance at home. The Lord did not lead us to pray the prayer of repentance with people right there, because many of them were at work, but they took the booklets with such gratitude, listened to the gospel, and promised to pray at home. Some were strongly affected by God! I remember one person who, when he heard that God loves him, was very touched by these words because he does not have a father and he had never heard that God was his Father in Heaven and that He loves him.”
Denis: “I am coordinator of the mission EHC in the Y— region. I believe these booklets are the most informative of the entire range of our literature. Therefore, I consider it necessary to distribute them to every home in my area, despite the coronavirus.”
Yuri: “In this difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic, I distribute booklets to the mailboxes. Unfortunately, I am not able yet to preach directly, but I continue to preach the gospel using your booklets. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the salvation of Russia!”
Such responsiveness led to requests for more Scripture booklets. WMP has authorized the printing of 300,000 copies of How to Know God (named The Plan for Your Salvation in Russian) to help meet the growing hunger for the truth of God’s Word among the Russian people.